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Everything posted by moules

  1. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Wolf racing up the steps from B-7. He has put on a coat. (I had posted an earlier scene in B-7 on the stairs to the LR when he had his backpack on, and had no coat.) The time is 08-30. Even with morning traffic, this is more than enough time to catch an 11;30 flight, particularly as he is not checking baggage, and presumably flying within the Schengen Zone.
  2. 11:10 departure for Amsterdam. That is a KLM flight with a lot of code-sharing (other airlines). Code-share airlines fly to Africa (Kenya), Middle East, China, Mexico, and United States. Maybe this is a business trip. Weather in Amsterdam is 1 C. Maybe there is someone in Amsterdam to keep him warm. He was not wearing a jacket, only a shirt. Perhaps his jumping into cold swimming pools was to condition himself for freezing weather.
  3. Looking at the backyard, cam 5-6. The visible stairs lead down from the terrace cam 5-4. If one continued walking down from the stairs by the painted wall, there is another terrace that runs below the backyard. This lower terrace is a longer but easier route to traverse between B-4 and B-7. The route using the B-4 backyard and the B-7 "backyard" seen in B-7 cam 4-7 involves a bit of climbing. The B-7 "backyard" is not the true backyard for B-7. That backyard runs from west to east from below N&B's balcony Cam 2-5. That backyard is extensive in size, but is not on cam.
  4. Departures at 11:30: Tossing out Dublin and Birmingham, leaving Rome, Warsaw, Tel Aviv, Gran Canaries Of course, if the 11:30 departure was a rounded-off time, then many other destinations are possible. He was not dressed for Warsaw.
  5. The floor plans are misleading. One can orient oneself by finding the elevator at each level. The elevator runs from Level 4 in the fitness room, up to Level 1 in the LR, up to Level 3, by the bathroom, up to Level 2, in the hall foyer by the door to Sara's room. Level 1, the kitchen and the LR are on different levels, like having a 1A and 1B. Level 2 is the top level. The garage, generally, is at this level. The garage is higher in elevation than the penthouse. The garage can be seen in cam 5-2, it is to the left of the kitchen. Cam 5-2 is roughly in the position of Sara's bathroom. Level 3 has two levels. Aziza's room is higher in elevation than the other girls' rooms, Karma's room etc. Level 4 is straightforward, but there is a space on Level 4 not on cam.
  6. Nadia back in B-2. She and Dayana appearing to have a great laugh. about whatever happened that caused Dayana to send Nadia an image from Nadia's passport. Dayana is petite. -------------Edit. I didn't listen but what Slow posted above may be what they were laughing about.
  7. Departure of Wolf. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Cross-posted from B-7. From his clothes, his destination seems to be a mild weather place.
  8. Departure of Wolf. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording I will cross-post on the B-4 forum, since he has so many fans there.
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Nadia apparently called her and she spent a few minutes looking all over Nadia's room for something. The something appears to be Nadia's Ukrainian passport, She appears to take an image of an inside page to send to Nadia.
  10. She may be watching a video of herself having sex. Did not appear to be a typical porn video with jump cuts.
  11. Karma has her pre-sex ritual bath. Climbs into Sara's bed, ignoring Squash. So I think you are likely correct.
  12. Guy left. Got a hug but no kiss from Dayana. Maybe he was not going to do anything because of the cams.
  13. IMO, RLC has told the content stars t(Massi, Wolf, Sara, Nadia, Ney, Karma, and even Daytona) o tone down the sex for a while. Two reasons: they were squeezing most everyone else out of the bonus money, and there may have been a bigger bonus pool for the start of the New Year, and the bonus pool is now back to a more normal level,
  14. Wolf leaves B-4. Leaving Sara and Karma. A nude Karma may have told him she has other plans this evening.
  15. The arrival. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Decent-looking chap.
  16. Hot damn, Dayana has a male guest. And he doesn't appear to be a denizen of the demi-monde. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording They have closed off the door to the LR. Esmi in her room, eating by herself. Nadia is not home, so cannot blame her for this separation. I have not scrolled back to see if he was introduced to Esmi. More importantly, why has Dayana and her male guest been in B-2 for over an hour and this post is the first news of this visit?
  17. When Karma expects to have sex, she usually showers and trims her public hair beforehand. Unless she expect that sex will take place in the bath.
  18. If she travels frequently from one appearance / performance to the next, she would bring her cosmetics with her. We should know by January 20 if her statement about having a two week contract is true.
  19. She was a participant for a few days. She exhibited erratic behavior, with big mood swings. She mainly kept to herself. She was not adapting to living in the villa. For the sake of her mental health, it is best that she move on. Hopefully, she will obtain some therapeutic help As she lives in Barcelona, the guy who helped her move seems normal and stable and caring, and may assist her in finding that help.
  20. Seda left with several small pieces of furniture, so she lives in Barcelona. And the guy must have brought a small van truck to move all her stuff. Not a fiancee, as likely he would have been seen at the villa before today.
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