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Everything posted by moules

  1. And then there was the night when Aziza lay on the kitchen counter and Tani poured wine? on her pussy, and invited Dylan to lick her, and Lacrim tried to touch Tani, and she pushed him away. I can't remember the third girl who was present, but what I remember most was Tani not taking any touchy-feely shit from Lacrim.
  2. Aziza can be adventurous. It seems to me that posters are overlooking, forgot, or are simply unaware of the night she snuck into Dylan's bed while he was fucking two girls in Margo's bedroom. Dylan had just arrived but his reputation apparently receded him. She became conquest #3 that night. IMO, the odds are good for a B&N, Aziza threesome, and not in the garage. She did a threesome on the B-7 LR floor with Dylan. And I know a B&N, Aziza threesome is not everyone's cup of tea, but the ratings will be high.
  3. Fiora is still in the apartment. My speculation is that she was to meet up with Ulyana and both were to travel together to a new country, outside of the Schengen Zone. But Ulyana has not left the country where she is supposedly detained for supposedly overstaying her Schengen visa. << This assumes the reports on CC that she was arrested are true. The authorities have probably taken Ulyana's passport, and she is remaining where she is being detained until her case is adjudicated. She very likely is not in or near Barcelona, because she would not be giving instructions on how to pack her clothes if she were. The delay in Fiona's departure suggests to me that Ulyana's case is still being adjudicated. Ulyana is not free to travel because she does not possess her passport. It is possible that RLC is paying an aborgado, solicitor, barrister, avocat, advorgado, lawyer to represent her. The owners of RLC appear to be very sophisticated business people. If Ulyana is a good friend of theirs from the old country, they might be paying for her legal counsel. As an aside, it appears that citizens of certain countries outside the general EU region who earn income from employment or appearances in countries within the general EU region are incorporating themselves, as a private business. This can have tax advantages, see tennis stars and Formula One drivers who like to live in Monaco. There may be residency advantages as well.
  4. From a quick look at replay, this reminds me of the night when Radi and Tweety visited B-5, and Tweety decided not to participate. So Radi, Kylie, and Rus, and RLC, improvised with Radi video-recording Rus and Kylie having sex. When they were done, Radi waved good-night to R&K, and joined Tweety in the other bedroom. Radi's wave was like an all in a day's work wave, and I am done and out of here. Perhaps the original plan was for Cecelia to have girl-girl sex and initiate the fun, and the guys would join in.
  5. Now looks as if Cecelia will be leaving as well. She has now dressed in her street clothes.
  6. OT:/ Karma and Octavia are now in B-1. To be determined is which bed Cecelia will sleep in tonight, though I will bet on M&A's bed.
  7. Looks like Roxy is in bed with Masha.
  8. Seeing a fully clothed Daytona join the others in the bath, I realized he has decided to be Frank N Furter from the Rocky Horror Show. Frank N. Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show | CharacTour WWW.CHARACTOUR.COM CharacTour wants to be your entertainment matchmaker, helping you fall in love with what you watch, read, and play.
  9. I do not know why the results of a search query in English for a company in the Netherlands would be converted to Cyrillic.
  10. I did. There is a similarly named company incorporated in the UK, but that appears to have closed down in 2010. I also found a similarly named business in the Netherlands which seems to still be active. The details of the Netherlands registration that I found are in Cyrillic. The site with the Netherlands registration is kompass.com KG.KOMPASS.COM and kompass.com may be headquartered in Ukraine.
  11. They need an 'outside' director who is a citizen for the purposes of incorporating in that country. And there is also the CC rule about publishing real names and addresses on the forum.
  12. It appears Nadia and maybe Sara will get into the bath with space cadet. I think he is supposed to be Daytona's boytoy, and the girls may be covkblocking!.
  13. From replay, her laugh sounds like a nervous laugh. Maybe even a defensive laugh. Quite annoying if you are trying to caress her. If Kelly had slipped a finger into her pussy, w ould she have become hysterical? Her vocalizing when her bf was caressing her pussy in the tub was also peculiar. Instantaneous and exaggerated. Again, nerves in front of the camera?
  14. I have looked at the corporate registration for RLC and the owners are Russian. The name of the LLC is not RealLifeCams.
  15. Montenegro is outside Schengen. No Schengen visa needed.
  16. Massi flees the project until next year. Karma's tantic dreams will now not be interrupted.
  17. There was a hint from the omniscient oracle that Ulyana might re-appear outside the Schengen zone. And might Fiora re-appear there as well?
  18. As Noldus noted, there are suitcases still in the hall with either Ulyana's or Fiora's clothes.
  19. The owner of VHTV is Bulgarian, i believe. the owners of RLC are Russian. I assume there are girls on MyFreeCams, Chaturbate, Only Friends etc, who are Russian, and are living in Russia, but these internet businesses (MFC, etc.) are not owned by Russians with a business headquartered in Russia. If a Russian apartment on VHTV was closed down by Russian authorities, the VHTV owner's business exposure is limited. (RLC is now a LLC registered in a Western country.) I suppose RLC could follow the VHTV model, but at the risk of exposing their participants to actions by the security apparatus in Russia. From 2019: Russia: New Law Expands Government Control Online WWW.HRW.ORG The Russian government will gain even greater control over freedom of speech and information online when the country’s “sovereign internet”...
  20. Nadia, Sara, and Daytona all left B-2 together. Daytona eventually re-appeared in B-4. As for the other two, and Karma, perhaps a prolonged Tantric experience off-camera? The cult leader gains new followers? A tantric and tarot experience?
  21. IIRC, Russia (Putin) passed a law that said that Internet content originating in Russia must be hosted in Russia. That gave the government the ability to control what was streamed from Russia to elsewhere. This is commercial content. If one goes to YouTube, there is streaming content originating in Russia being streamed today, but it is the product of individuals. What occurred on the single day was that RLC closed all the Russian apartments, but the apartments outside of Russia continued to operate. Over time, RLC moved its servers out of Russia as well. It was a matter of RLC acting proactively, and prudently from a business standpoint. Back in the day, RLC DNS server was located in a telecom building near the center of Moscow. The telecom building was next door to a high school for delinquent children. I thought, 'how ideal!', RLC can recruit new participants from the school next door, once they are 18, This article in a magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology describes how many IT workers fled Russia after the invasion. How Russia killed its tech industry WWW.TECHNOLOGYREVIEW.COM The invasion of Ukraine supercharged the decline of the country’s already struggling tech sector—and undercut its biggest success... As IT skills are in demand, I believe such workers often receive Schengen visa. As for Ulyana, the Schengen visa to have may be one issued by Hungary. Hungary Schengen Visa for Russian Citizens | iVisa WWW.IVISA.COM Get your Hungary Schengen Visa for Russian citizens hassle-free with iVisa. Apply now and travel worry-free.
  22. That explains her suitcases being shipped. Wonder who might join her? And in a few months she can get a new Schengen visa.
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