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Everything posted by moules

  1. Sara arrived at the villa on August 21, so if she has a 90 day visa to visit the Schengen zone, she is already over. (10+30+31+19) -- Unless she is a 'student'. I believe RLC in the past has successfully used a student visa to provide for longer stays, and I suspect it continues to do so. I would doubt she has an expiring passport, because they often deny entry if your passport is close to expiring.
  2. I re-thought about this show last night, and retract some of my contemporaneous observations and comments. I do so based on the following: First, it was reported that the LR was a free cam the entire night. Second, Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri (and maybe Sara) were never to be the main act in B-4. They were dressed for the BDSM show/party at a Barcelona club. The same party that Karma went to. They simply used B-4 as the waiting room before leaving. If they had waited in B-7, that meant fewer viewers in B-4 for Lacrim. Third, Sara was initially going with them, but then thought better of it, because she was tired. Fourth, Kelly was thinking of going, trying on appropriate clothes with Karma, but ultimately decided not to go. Which left the entire RLC stage to Lacrim, Cecelia, and Sabina for hours and hours. ---------------- IMO, the whole show was staged to give bonus money for Lacrim. (Cecelia and Sabina get to share bonus money as well.) There were certain ground rules established by Cecelia and Sabina, principally 'NO fucking'. The show (and bonus money) was staged because Lacrim probably earned little or no bonus money during his stay in B-7. And he is on the way out the door. He did not unpack the clothes and toiletries he packed after his tantrum the previous weekend. If this had been a genuine sex encounter between these two girls and Lacrim, it would have occurred in Lacrim's bed, or Cecelia's bed (the Radi bedroom because of its great lighting and camera angles) and not in a brightly lit LR. They even moved the floor mat from under the massage table to the floor in front of the LR couch for their comfort, instead of going to a bed in a bedroom (And where there would be noi free cam.) Perhaps Lacrim took one too many little blue pill. To me, he clearly suffered from a condition known as delayed ejaculation. He was like the bunny in the Ever-ready battery advertisements: he just kept on going, and going, and going. The better news from last night is that Sabina is bisexual, and will not hide under the covers. And that Karma has a kinky side. So the night did suggest future rewards for RLC subscribers. We will see if Ulyana arrives in B-4 or B-7 later today, for a much more authentic show.
  3. Lacrim is back in B-7. sitting on the LR couch, looking at his phone.
  4. This likely explains where Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri went. Maybe they will try to do some recruiting of kindred souls.
  5. If you are talking about in the shower No, the cam looking in at the shower clearly showed his cock had not penetrated. The shower cam gave the illusion he was fucking her.
  6. He is running out the clock. If you take Viagra, and you have an erection lasting four hours or more, the instruction is to go to the hospital, because there is a significant risk of damaging the penis, resulting in permanent erectile dysfunction. He was getting his cock sucked at 22:00. So presently the cock clock is running at about 3:30 hours.
  7. Sara smoking on the balcony by herself. For me, this indicates that Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri have gone off-site to have a private party.
  8. OT: Octavia is now back in B-1. Kelly is there too. So Karma is on her own, unless she eventually shows up in B-4 or B-7. And no sign of Wolf, Margo, or Neytiri. Perhaps they have gone off-site. It is said Wolf has a car.
  9. No. Wolf and Margo are the top pair. It is possible that RLC let this go on tonight because Lacrim is supposedly leaving very soon. And if this is true , this would be his final run for some bonus money. We may know more tonorrow if Ulyana appear at the villas.
  10. They have to fill the time because the Wolf and Margo show is off for tonight it seems.
  11. Wolf and Margo went back to B-7 and packed up their tools and toys. I assume they are now in the garage. as for Karma, she was underdressed compared to the other three. And mop-haired guy was on a bicycle. Tonight was another big fuckup by the RLC production team, similar to the chaotic running around in B-4 prior to Ulyana, wolf, Margo returning to B-7 for a most excellent threesome. DDHM has longer tenure on CC than I, and he called it a top three threesome. Lacrim was very upset about being left out, and supposedly told them he was abandoning the project, and threw a condom onto Margo's bed. He also packed some of his clothes, and they remain p[acked. Supposedly -- according to an overheard conversation between ulyana and Margo, they are to team up again tomorrow (Sunday).
  12. when Sara felt to go into Barcelona on Friday, she went into karma;s room and they shared a long kiss and a warm affectionate embrace.
  13. I think Wolf & Co. are waiting for 24L00, which will be the main act for tonight.
  14. Karma, Ocatavia, and two guests of octavia left. The guy guest took his bicycle. No Kelly.
  15. The girls in theWolf group have their coats on. It would appear they are leaving Lacrim behind.
  16. At the moment, there seem to be three groups. the small group in B-1; Wolf, Margo, Neytiri, and Sara; Lacrim, Sabine , and Cecelia.
  17. The party might be in B-1. Two guests of octavia left. Kelly now leaving. Karma still there in black leather.
  18. Lacrim has left B-4. It seems the party will be in B-4.
  19. Karma seems to be dressing like Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri.
  20. Karma often bathes before intimacy. Perhaps something is planned, or she is anticipating something.
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