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Everything posted by moules

  1. IIRC, it was after last year's birthday party that N&B returned to B-7 with mysterious friends who were heard but never seen. And Nelly continued to party in the B-7 garage, re-appearing at the end with her panties around her ankles. And IIRC, there were Instagram photos of the party, one photo with Martina. And draw no conclusions from M&A not being in their apartment as Nelly partied in the B-7 garage. Bogdan did not party in the garage, only checking on the partying friends once or twice.
  2. You are correct. I was mistaking the kitchen floor as being a landing between the flight from the kitchen to the flight from the front door. Back to spatial geometry class for me.
  3. A restless Aziza goes up to the office. She turns on the light so one clearly sees the stairs. The view is distorted by the camera's fish-eye lens. Note the painting on the wall. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The stairwell. with its panels of glass on the pool side windows, forms a transition between the kitchen and garage section of the villa with the rest of the villa. The garage is above the kitchen. To access the garage from the kitchen, one must climb three flights of stairs, pprobably a total of 25 or more steps. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The reflection in the swimming pool, of the upper section of the stairwell, with the painting. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The lowest of the five? glass panels on the south side of the stairwell. The stairs lead down from the 'twins' bedroom to that section of the villa with Tani's, Wendy's, and Azura's bedrooms.
  4. When they returned, the girl who may be Martina's girlfriend was not with them. This girl arrived by herself. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording She seems to have not met Martina's brother before, but seems more acquainted with the thong guy. Based on the introductions, I will say that the thong guy is not a regular part of Martina and this possible girlfriend's social milieu. So no off-cam trio. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  5. I believe someone posted he is wearing thongs. Maybe he is a trans. Masha should host a party for Martina in Rome, and invite some of her exotic friends. I am not surprised that this girl who has never been in Martina's apartment before might be Martina's lover. I am surprised that this guy and this girl seem to be paired, and with Martina, they form a trio. For him to be invited and appear at Martina's party suggests -- but does not prove -- that he is more than a casual acquaintance. Depending on how kinky Martina can be -- New Year's party she dressed as a dom -- it is not that far-fetched to hypothesize that this guy might be a sub to both Martina and this girl.
  6. If this girl is indeed Martina's lover, and basely solely on her choice of clothes tonight, I would say she is more of a dom than a sub. As for the presumably gay guy with them, he looks to be more of a bottom than a top. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjzmaDJoMn_AhVuElkFHSoWArYQFnoECAsQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2F25663239%2F&usg=AOvVaw2rlnnav4kOpFwe5ZUKqiQN
  7. Aziza's face and lips. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/28_10?ts=1686733289&from=share 15 June, sober https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/28_10?ts=1686958106&from=share 17 June, drunk
  8. Aziza has been sexually restless for over an hour. I think this may be her most unabashed attempt at a bate ever. Where is the Italian stallion when she needs him, -- out with Azura and Wendy?
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording So this girl in the kitchen with Martina and a presumably gay guy is thought to be Martina's lover?
  10. I think it is very difficult for Russians to stay in Bali for more than 30 days. RLC must have a person in Montenegro who works behind the scenes to find apartments, and arrange for installation of the cameras etc. So if one apartment, why not two?
  11. I sent you the strretview image from April 2011. You cannot see that view today because the trees have grown so fast. As for Bogdan having a ladder, you may remember Bogdan, the conqueror of the peaks of the Caucasus, rappelling down the sides of B-4 to clean the windows.
  12. April 2011 street view reveals all, or most all. Without a door, how to they place the terracotta planters and pots for the flowers and veggies on the rooftop? Bogdan and his jet pack? No pool back then either. Pool seems to date from after 2015.
  13. To explain further. The garage/office is directly above the kitchen The floor area of the garage is about 20-25 percent larger than the terrace by the pool, the terrace that can be directly accessed by the living room. If one is walking out the front door (2.9) toward the front of the garage, one climbs a ramp with a set of widely spaced steps to reach the ground level of the garage. The overall increase in grade is 0.5-1.0 meters. The garage has two levels. The upper level has three medium-sized, square windows that overlook the pool. These windows cannot be seen on cam, although at night if the upper level is lighted, the light may be reflected in the pool. There may be another set of windows on that side of the garage that faces the penthouse (Aziza's bedroom suite). The upper level of the garage is about one level higher than the penthouse. The rooftop above the stairwell that connects all the levels of the residential part of the villa can be accessed by a door from this upper level. There is a sink in the garage The supply and drain pipes are probably above the sink in the kitchen. It is unknown whether there is a WC or shower in the garage.
  14. I bet they are hosting a dinner for Anthony. He must be starving by now.
  15. IMO, it seems that RLC cannot find enough new faces from Ukraine, and there are no faces, new or old, arriving from Russia, so many of the new faces are not on vacation, but residents of Barcelona or from somewhere in a Schengen country. And those from Barcelona are allowed to continue working in whatever job they had before their RLC participation. That includes Wendy / Azura negotiating non-RLC business on the phone, Tani resuming her occupation before RLC (she apparently told Azura she has broken up with her boyfriend). Nadia. Lubna. For some of those named above, their hours on cam these days and nights are no different than Martina's. In a sense, they have become occupational clones of Martina.
  16. Lubna packed her backpack. Off to her other job. She said she will be back tomorrow. Milena's English is very good.
  17. You overlooked the secret gate to B-4, which is disguised as a stone wall. Its the southernmost gate. Surely this camouflaged gate must lead to a hidden path, and ultimately to a hidden drug-and-debauchery den built beneath the lower backyard, and is off-cam. (The lower backyard for B-4 was occasionally used as a route between B-4 and B-7 but no longer.) The earliest street view of B-7 reveals the type of door used to enter that garage.
  18. With respect to the garage doors for B-7 and B-4, these are not roll-up doors. The doors to enter the garage from the outside are a conventional door, a bit over-sized.
  19. Lubna is an Arabic name. The most famous Lubna is Lubna of Cordoba, a mathematician, and poet of the second half of the 10th century known for the quality of her writing and her excellence in the sciences.
  20. I think the girl who supposedly was kicked out for too much sex was Elettra, But she wasn't kicked out for having too much sex. What is really surprising to me is the apparent failure of RLC management to give participants even a basic briefing on what RLC expects of its participants. That is a fundamental failure of the first order.
  21. No. IIRC, Karina let them in. I' not sure you can hear the buzzer in the master bedroom if the door is closed. Give the topknot guy credit, at least in B-2 with the cams, he was ever the gentleman, and took no advantage of the intoxicated bodies writhing on the LR floor in a state of undress. They possibly had been to the beach because he was carrying the blanket.
  22. They didn't use the roof for the party night with the top knot guy, because IIRC, they had to buzz several times before being let into the building.
  23. I think the white dress. The orange top appears to be friend. They both seem to be from Barcelona. It appears this will be a gradual move-in. It looks as if she only brought a backpack.
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