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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Having toured the Vatican on a few occasions I can tell all of you it is best to see it in a tour group and not try to see it by yourself. Much more detail given and you have an appointed tour time and do not have to wait for hours to get a ticket. No charge for this advice. 🤣
  2. Can you even buy this stuff anymore? I remember many times using Bengay to help with a cramp or something.
  3. Holly usually needs to apply some salve on one of her labia after a rousing night of sex. It is just the length where when she has sex it gets in the way of the guy going in and out and rubs it the wrong way. I had a girlfriend who had this issue. One of her labia would always hurt her after we had sex.
  4. See my remark below yours. I forgot to add your quote. I had just gotten out of bed. Sorry.
  5. Holly usually needs to apply some salve on one of her labia after a rousing night of sex. It is just the length where when she has sex it gets in the way of the guy going in and out and rubs it the wrong way. I had a girlfriend who had this issue. One of her labia would always hurt her after we had sex.
  6. All this is very true. Like many I adore her too. What I like best is when she wears her EXTREMELY sexy white workout outfit. So tight around the pussy and ass. I just wish she had more meat on her labia. Plus it would help with the issue she has with one of them.
  7. Too many think of her as the girl next door. She is a companion just as Tweety, Mila, Anna and many other women. There is nothing wrong with this, it is a way for them to see the world. Holly has been more places than most of the people in the world. Also she dated and fucked the drug dealer Curly/ Bruno for a few months. She loves the drugs as much as she loves the wine. And I love Holly!!
  8. Homes of this value have security systems for detecting intruders, but the lifestyle of these occupants would render any security system worthless.
  9. You are so right. In my 72 years I have not seen the craziness like we are seeing in the US. People are so super sensitive. And here in the US it can become deadly.
  10. If my comment is considered racist, then I must be racist. Never thought I was having employed more than 5,000 people of all colors, religions and genders. Made sure all jobs were filled with the most qualified....... PERIOD. And paid everyone doing the same job the same wage. Prided myself on the Standards of Equality document I personally wrote and made sure everyone followed.
  11. I can't speak for Barcelona, but when I lived in Marbella and Malaga Spain there was not a grocery store or gas station that was open 24 hours.... most closed at 2100.
  12. If she gets like many US women on this diet she won't fit through her front door.
  13. Not that I have ever seen. Only thing in common that I know of is they both live in Prague and have apartments on RLC. Edited: and their BF's last about the same amount of time.
  14. Sorry, I meant have the individual stores decided to open more hours because of lack of revenue during Covid? My favorite place in all of Spain was Malaga where the city had changed dramatically to attract tourists. They closed off all the streets around the town square to traffic. Hundreds of restaurants, hotels, retail stores, etc. It was so much fun. We would stay in an apartment for a week at a time just to walk around and enjoy the environment and we owned a villa in Marbella. Miss those wonderful times.
  15. Great question. I would love to know this answer as I have not been to Spain since 2017 and Barcelona since 2015. In those days many stores did not even open at all on Sunday. Grocery stores that did open (rare) were open only from 1700 until 2000 maybe 2100. And how has Covid impacted the hours?
  16. He was fucked the moment that picture of him was captured. In a normal house the cops would appreciate it as that is a good quality picture. The cameras in my homes are all high-quality security cameras that are replaced every three years without fail as are the servers. Cost to replace all is more than $80,000 US in each home.
  17. Once he saw the camera, he knew there wasn't much he could do. My systems, in all the houses, start emailing his picture so no matter what else he did, his face is now on record. Even if he found the local server, etc the emailing takes place every 5 seconds so if the thief destroyed the local server his picture has already been sent multiple times.
  18. Yes, poorly located and many times did not work especially NV.
  19. Many of us have asked to have an additional camera almost since this apt came online. Obviously with RLC's great customer service there is still no camera.
  20. Let's not forget Leora at one time followed CC. We know this because she angrily replied to a few who expressed negative comments about her father, and she let them have it on CC for all of us to read. She is very intelligent, and I want her contributing to society with all those smarts. Move on beautiful Leora, get out into the workforce and be the star many of us know you can be.
  21. Yes especially if she brings her new BF. I'm sure Momma wanted to fuck on camera the last time. He was just too shy.
  22. I wish everyone would go to their profile and put where they are from. Just the country would be good but for US and some other destinations a more detailed location is excellent.
  23. Thanks. Too funny. I am at a casino, so I needed to know how quickly to hussle my butt home.
  24. Where is Kristy? I guess I wasn't paying any attention to this apartment today.
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