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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Can we please get Loraine the fuck out of RLC. She has more secrets than the US CIA. Always in the way, makes 0 contributions, 0 passion. My hand has more passion than Loraine.
  2. 1540 Olivia is on Facetime with some guy showing him her naked body. May speak for why she hasn't pursued any male figure yet in Barcelona.
  3. 0045 No way Harley should be allowed to stretch naked like that. Showing that amazing ass and a little of her beautiful pussy lips.
  4. Just sad. I feel for these women. As I posted before, this is the life Holly has led for some time. She showed videos of all the beautiful suites she was staying in. There were 8 - 10 videos I watched on closeup and each was with a different man. They want to have fun and perhaps meet the man of their dreams. I see nothing wrong with this.
  5. I didn't forget Moos. Years ago someone on CC was gracious enough to post a link to a BBC special on the life many Russian women have when growing up. It opened my eyes. I have a lot more to say on the matter but it's better I just let it pass as the blog is liable to go crazy. 😀
  6. I've seen this guy arrive 4 times and the only thing he brought in those 4 times was a six pack of beer once. No fucking food. Now I've seen Fiora's guy bring food many times and not just to this apartment. I want these women to be stronger, to not be so fucking submissive and to make demands on their BF's. It's a sign of respect.
  7. What, like 1 out of a 100 visits? If you know everything Moos how many times has this guy brought food?
  8. Just my point. She did nothing on her brief last stay. She has done nothing in the 2 months she has been here now. And it's BS to think Tweety has anything to do with this. Holly does what Holly wants to do regardless of what the other women think.
  9. Holly is very submissive. She has fucked Daniel and Bruno so her choice in men is suspect too. I am an expert at reading men. My wife (mostly) and I raised 4 daughters and I assure all of you each one has a different personality. And as I said many years ago on this site, daughter number 3 aged me 10 years. My exceptional love for my wife stems also from her amazing ability to raise these beautiful women while I grew the businesses.
  10. Truthfully to me, Holly is no different than Loraine, Nana and so many others, Lately she has done nothing including most of her last stay. She is sucking money from us likely because she has no job in Barcelona and needs money. She could go and I would not be upset. I know many on here think she is great potential given her past, but I am of the opinion she has outstayed her usefulness.. Just my opinion.
  11. Do Harley and this guy have sex on camera? If I hadn't seen my GF in a few days, I would think sex would happen.
  12. Harley in those tight shorts...Dude slide those babies off her and lick that beautiful pussy until she screams your name. WTF!!
  13. Does anyone know what they are drinking in the shots? A liquor if some kind.
  14. Oh to be young again...the night is just beginning for them. I remember those days.... vaguely.
  15. 0042 Martina and her young friend left with a six pack of beer and a large bottle of liquor or something.
  16. I've said before... while I do enjoy watching her, Ulyana has such bad taste in men, she could walk into a bar and pick the worst of the lot to take her home to fuck. Not only that, but she is also the nastiest woman on this site hands down. Not even a competition. Recall the guy she lived with in Russia.
  17. Karol, you should not be allowed to wear panties when you are in the bedroom unless it is that time of the month. We need to be able to see that amazing pussy. You are amazing dear. SO good to watch you shave your pussy today in the shower. Thank you
  18. 2230 What the hell is that on Linda's face! Scared the shit out of me. What could be wrong that you need to wear that facemask?
  19. 1625 If Karol showed up at my gym wearing that incredible outfit, I would have a boner the entire time and would definitely try to convince her to let me lick her pussy and asshole.
  20. 0456 Dina up and out the door with her suitcase. Hugs to Masha. Not sure if she is headed home to Prague or to visit the guy in Holland.
  21. He does cum inside her many of the times. Has for quite some time now.
  22. I read earlier that Karol has been crying today. She needs to go where she can be happy. Too nice a person to be stuck alone. She needs company.
  23. I wasn't implying they were I just wondered. I don't follow her much, so I am clueless about this relationship. Today I watched for a while, and he does seem to make her laugh. That's a good sign most of the time.
  24. So, no one thinks Nana and this Uber guy are having sex off cam?
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