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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Karol, hope you are feeling better today. Lots of hugs to you>
  2. Jesus Christ I actually get this Naga. I am a HUGE Simon and Garfunkel fan. And I just got out of bed too!!
  3. Like the time Nelly wrote a sign in English that said "I Love You Guys!" and pointed it at the camera. Of course, this was many moons ago when her and Bogdan had their rather large apartment in Russia.
  4. Radi letting us all know she does have many friends in Barcelona. And most as beautiful as this woman.
  5. It was a joke actually. I thought it funny she put on a different top, different pants, her coat and boots to stand outside the front door and talk for 15 - 20 minutes.
  6. Loraine out the door with the guy at around 1740. But she didn't take anything including her purse or mobile phone (her right hand).
  7. Has Loraine even showered today? Or yesterday? Looks like the same panties she had on when she went to bed.
  8. I've wondered if she doesn't suffer from Hepatitis from one or more of the needles. She has always been so active but these past 4 or 5 months, maybe even longer, she is horizontal more than vertical. Thoughts?
  9. SO just waking up. Nothing has happened yet with Loraine and the new BF?
  10. Loraine probably has this scripted to keep top cam for a long time. They have probably been fucking for two weeks and this is a show like only she can script. 🤣
  11. She is nervous. When she plays with her hair it is a sign of being nervous.
  12. I think it is you who have jumped the gun, as usual. I made a forecast of what is to come after hundreds of hours of watching these two from the past. We forecast the future based upon the past and humans are more predictable than almost any other species. You don't need to comment on every fucking thing said. Sometimes you just need to shut up and not write. You are one of the worst offenders on here so perhaps you need to learn to tone down you message.
  13. I have not seen anyone make such a request. Not sure what you are talking about.
  14. IMHO it will depend on the length of their stay. But don't look for her to do much initially unless she has a BF in Barcelona. She is eye candy mostly. It would be different if she had her own apartment where over time we would see more "entertainment".
  15. Alana will do nothing. She is there only as company to Kristy who likely told RLC she would not come by herself.
  16. She was sucking his cock then tried to climb on him and insert his cock and he threw her off and went to the bathroom and got dressed. After a while it no longer becomes the guys fault. She needs to wake up and go find someone who will treat her the way she wants to be treated.
  17. She should be on her way to the pharmacy to buy Plan B. In America only women can get a Plan B legally.
  18. 0330 she is yelling. Definitely a condom break.
  19. Kristy likes to cuddle. Don't be surprised if she starts to toss a leg over whomever is occupying the bed with her.
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