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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Help!! One of the few places on the globe where I haven't been and wanted to tour is Ireland. If I want to take a 2 or 3 week tour of Ireland who do you all recommend as a tour Company?
  2. Ha Ha... my sister is an angel compared to me. She's 13 years younger. Of course, I like to remind her she was an accident while I was planned by our parents.
  3. I am at my sisters Naga and all I get to look at each day is the back end of a cow. Hundreds of them. Maybe need to head home for a weekend and get a little nooky as we say here in the US. 🤣
  4. Yes, I am a fan. Like I posted earlier it seemed like she had no experience with vibrators. Holly had to show her, but once she used that little pocket rocket vibrator on her clit it was really fun to watch her go crazy with them. And wide open. She has a beautiful pussy with nice size labia and an easily accessible clit to lick.
  5. Tweety with the famed pocket rocket. My wife carried one of these everywhere we went for 25 years. I'm not sure Tweety has ever used a vibrator. She really liked both of them. The rabbit in her pussy and the pocket rocket on her clit.
  6. Fucking idiot Holly takes a bluetooth speaker out to the pool deck at 0530 in the morning. These people are the reason I never rented any of my properties out. They beat it to shit.
  7. No she fucked Bruno all over the villa. Bathroom, her room, other rooms, kitchen, living room, all over.
  8. My money is on Holly fucking him. If she would fuck Daniel, she will fuck almost anyone.
  9. Just for clarification purposes this is a guy but not The Big Guy as has been mentioned in the past.
  10. Just got an email from the US State Department promoting Portugal to Level 4, which means DO NOT GO TO PORTUGAL!! Evidently this is because the entire country is bad with Covid. Anyone from beautiful Portugal on this blog that can verify this info?
  11. Holly has always put some salve or cream on her pussy. If I remember correctly, it has something to do with her right labia. She has done this almost since the first time on RLC.
  12. OMG please block this fucking idiot, Spying. He has never in his life had an original thought and has to have someone else do his thinking too. What a fucking moron.
  13. The last thing Leia needs is to have Maksim see Tereza start walking around in her thong with that amazing ass. I think he is already attracted to her.
  14. I found the 2 Shingles shots bothered me more than any of the 3 shots I have taken for Covid.
  15. Anna is wearing a sweatshirt that says "Mount Ranier National Park". Mount Rainer is in the beautiful state of Washington. The amazing Cascade Mountain range. Been there many many times.
  16. OMG I just noticed all the "notes" on papers above the sink. How long have they been there? Please don't tell me weeks....
  17. Moos, does Amira live in Barcelona or could she be coming back to the project?
  18. I am so glad to see the beautiful Karol have someone to talk to. She and Nana seem to get along well.
  19. Not wanting to start a big discussion but I felt Eva was in turmoil too. I wasn't sure she really wanted Sam fucking other women and asking her to join in. But she has always been my favorite for sure. I was not at all surprised when we heard they had divorced.
  20. Two beautiful, fun women. I can only hope they desire each other. We've seen they have a close relationship.
  21. Just looked and saw Martina home under the blankets. I hadn't looked at all just assumed she went out as it is Saturday night in beautiful Barcelona!! Is she ill?
  22. I see Maksim has his "dress" sweatpants on tonight. Put out a lot of effort to look good.
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