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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. That must be why she is with Mila a lot. Mila has really expensive tastes. Look at her Jimmy Choo shoes at $1,000 a pair. And her Gucci purse at like $1500. I think Mila has a side job.
  2. All 3 dressed up and out the door at 1636.
  3. As a person who has owned property in Spain, I can attest to the difficulty of finding qualified people to fix almost anything in your home. I had all kinds of issues with the HVAC, took months to get it finally working. I had issues with the plumbing, and it took almost 1 full year to get it repaired. The story goes on and on. A pool issue, concrete issues. I love Spain and especially the food as I am a very picky eater and Spain allowed me to eat the type of meat I eat in America.
  4. Holly had her passport out entering something on her mobile phone. Maybe these two are going to Masha's...
  5. This fucking idiot probably killed a few people and doesn't really give a shit. It is just this type of person I want to see get Covid and die from it. No more sympathy for idiots like this.
  6. Timur is a good guy. I have watched him for months. He is even tempered, rarely gets mad, the women love his sense of humor and Tereza loves him. He makes love to Tereza. He is patient when he fucks her and plays with her clit until she cums then he cums. Sometimes she just wants him to cum so he does and it is a shorter session, but he always thinks of her first. I only wish he would lick that pussy and asshole more.
  7. Shortly after Holly returned the time before the last one she facetimed with Curly aka Bruno. I watched her pretty much via facial expressions tell him she was not interested. She hung up on him and threw her phone on the bed. I assume she did this because she knew he was with Gina. Holly, while a bit slutty, does not fool around with other women's men. I'm not sure she would do it even with Tereza's permission. It's not her nature.
  8. I am not so sure Holly will be going to a club. That is a heavy top she has on and nothing underneath it and would make dancing rather sweaty. Holly loves to dance. Did she change tops at Tereza's?
  9. Tweety could not get herself to have an orgasm. Looks like she got frustrated. Now into Radi maybe we can see Radi get Tweety off. Radi is a great pussy licker.
  10. 0300 Kitty in a rather open position while sleeping. Giving us a view of her amazing pussy and those nice long labia.
  11. Martina's entire family must be "open sexually" as Martina has showered, peed, walked around in her panties and no bra and a few other "open" things in front of her brother and he in front of her. Not something common here in the USA.
  12. I think this is the beautiful Holly's gig in between live in boyfriends. Where else can you go and earn thousands of Euro's just laying around.
  13. The beautiful Ulyana has always been attracted to the bad boys. If she walked into a room full of guys, she would leave with the worst of the lot. Too bad for her.
  14. Thank you for acknowledging my expertise. It's quite simple really and starts with giving a shit about the woman you're with. Please her first because I know I won't have any difficulty cumming.
  15. You guys come on here and don't have a clue what you are talking about. Makes me wonder how good you are to your female partners. And now we know why women give up because you don't have a clue how to treat them properly. Any woman who has trouble having an orgasm (and that is more than 50% of all women) comes to expect sub-par performances and is hesitant to ask for satisfaction because they perceive it is taking too long. But it shouldn't matter what she thinks or says. if you care about your woman you should, without being told, be able to figure out what to do to make them cum. Especially after 10 years. And what the hell does having 100 videos prove to anyone other than you like Martina. All that tells me is he has not given her an orgasm 100 times.
  16. Couldn't have said it better. And let me add they have been together for 10 years and he still doesn't give a shit enough to build up the resistance to cum until she is satisfied. I don't care if it takes her 40 minutes. After 10 years you should be able to satisfy your woman... bottom line he doesn't care enough about her.
  17. I heard Nelly tell the crowd of men that one fateful night, when she was asked if she had a girlfriend, she replied by telling them "Yes I do and I love her very much"!! She was, of course, referring to Martina.
  18. It's embarrassing to see how poorly Nana treats this young man. Very immature of her.
  19. They turn him over he is going to have a boner for sure.
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