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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. 0100 Loraine checking out Nana's room. Hopefully she is NOT moving into this room. She has outlasted her stay by however many days she has been here. Send her home RLC!!
  2. Watch out Maksim you might get pink eye getting too close to that beautiful asshole of Leia. What a fabulous ass she has.
  3. He actually washed them in the sink. I thought that was thoughtful of him. Probably had to get the precum out of them when he was playing a little bit with Ulyana in the tub before she shut him down by moving away from him.
  4. Around 0600 did I see Olivia barfing in the bathroom sink. Before the dildo show.
  5. Around 0134 Alberto came in the door from walking the dogs and scared the shit out of Martina as she was watching the TV. She jumped a mile in the air.
  6. I patiently waited for you to reveal the real reason why you got pissed. It showed your old fashion ways of thinking. Now you're just trying to deflect from the reason you got mad. You just got burned my old-fashioned friend!!! 🤣
  7. SO now we get the point! Your old fashion ways of thinking. You assume if they are prostitutes that is a bad thing, I don't. In Las Vegas, we call these women Providers and I have used them. What a woman does with her body is her fucking business not yours or mine. If she chooses to sell it for some form of payment, I do not care. I applaud them for doing it as it is a way for them to make some excellent money (I've paid as much as $1,000/ hour}.
  8. If you had a functioning brain and really understood CC as well as you profess, you would have seen I've been on this site almost 5 years longer than you with 1/4th the number of comments. Perhaps it's you who needs to shut the fuck up because until you butted in you weren't even a part of the conversation. Furthermore, I am an IT guy and well aware of what this software is capable of doing. I purposely avoid PM's and personal messages to individuals. It happens only rarely. I'm not interested in any kind of relationship, virtual or otherwise, with anyone on CC or RLC or any other blog site where I belong.
  9. Obviously, you like him did not realize he was responding to a response I was making with someone else who had commented on a previous post of mine. This is why I take offense. It's like walking into the middle of a conversation and giving your opinion without knowing the true subject of the conversation. It is also why so many arguments take place on this forum. If you have nothing positive to say just shut the fuck up. No reason to voice your opinion.
  10. What you define as stupid could be supremely intelligent to others. It's opinions dumb ass. Yours just happens to be different than mine.
  11. I'm not sure how your pea sized brain came up with this meaning to my comments, but it just reinforces my comments about if you don't like my comment pass rather than give me your inexperienced theory.
  12. Thank you, Karol that was beautiful. I do love to watch you have an orgasm. Sorry you got a cramp in your right foot. But you do squeeze those toes when you cum.
  13. Dude, I am saying the guys paid them. Maybe they have paid them in the past as well. What the fuck do you know. Why is your bullshit theory any different than mine? You have as much proof as I do. You fucking people who come on her and think it's ok to state your views, but heaven forbid someone else say something different and you are all over them. You don't like my comment just pass on it. You come at me I will most definitely come back at you!! And let me add this for you naive people... payment can come in many different forms....
  14. 2105 Martina out the door with the big guy who came visiting.
  15. I think she is beautiful and used to enjoy watching her, but as you likely know she is the worst at this whispering shit. For that reason, I quit watching her. Pissed me off too much.
  16. You have to have a hairy body all over Sergio. These girls were even licking his hairy chest and back.
  17. I still assert these 3 women have an ad somewhere that invites gentlemen to the apartment for a per day cost they split among them someway.
  18. Too funny. The guy got everyone so pissed he fucked himself. 🤣🤣
  19. Come on Mila, surprise the other two and bend down and lick his asshole just like you did the other night.
  20. How does he not have a fucking boner? It's the pills.
  21. The last two times they went to the roof he came back with a small case in his left hand. He places it in the hallway table or whatever is there.
  22. Ulyana, I love you to death baby but go get a man and show all of us your amazing sexual skills. Not many on RLC these days are as good in bed as you are. Literally there is nothing you won't do to please your man.
  23. I think he and Mila are going to fuck tonight. They are just too attracted to each other.
  24. Mila and this guy are really attracted to one another. Don't think Lola was supposed to know Mila was getting her pussy licked by the guy.
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