I have a request that won't cost you any money and won't take you hours of development time.
Can you give the guest couple in Realm 6 names? They've been there a couple of weeks now and it would be nice to call them by name - even if they aren't official residents.
It shows how completely useless the timeline is when we have to ask this. I can't find the fight either.
I wish they would fix the current timeline or give us back the old one.
No, 12am is midnight. 12pm is noon
" The 24 hour/day cycle starts at 12 midnight (often indicated as 12 a.m.), runs through 12 noon (often indicated as 12 p.m.), and continues to the midnight at the end of the day. "
I don't think you can say that because Mia isn't shy or hiding in the jacuzzi that it must be Kenny's fault, because Kenny showers twice a day and is not shy or hiding in the shower.
Maybe temporary until they leave. The male who we thought was a guest showered nude and seems much more comfortable with the cams.
I don't know. Guess I'm puzzled as to why VH would put in a couple they knew from their stay last week would hide in the closet.
I haven't seen Ruslan take a bath or shower yet. I saw Katya take a bath on Saturday.
I haven't been watching 24/7 since they moved in so Ruslan may have bathed/showered when I wasn't watching :)
Looks like they have moved back in - although at the moment they haven't been added back on the apartment list
EDIT: They are now added to the list.
Presumably the contract that they sign bans anyone under the age of 18 from entering the apartments. I would think that if this rule was broken the cams for that apartment would go offline and the couple would be kicked out.
I know there is lots of interest in pictures, videos and discussion of the women in the apartments, but is there people reading this forum that are interested in the men? I'd like to get some kind of feeling for the interest here before I start posting, in case I would be wasting my time.
I used to think that their names were not real, but if RLC were going to make up new names for them surely they wouldn't have chosen Stepan when we already have a Stefan.
Anyone seen the bathroom cams before it went dark? Are they in the same position as before?
Aww that sucks acerikrion. I hope you find a way of re-subscribing.
I suspect they have used the 5 digit code that appears on the video screen to trace your pictures/videos back to your account. I would recomend that everyone removes these codes before posting videos/screencaps. Also I would recomend people do not register to this forum using the same username & email they subscribed to RLC with.