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Everything posted by stanley

  1. @LifeUnderCam What is happening with Monica and Cody? I've not seen them online for all the time I've been a member. I just get the message " In this apartment technical works are carried out, come back later. "
  2. I love Alex & Tony. I subscribed to your site when they were added and have stayed because of them. They are a fun couple, always naked - they only wear clothes when they have guests, and they clearly love each other, I've rarely seen them have any arguements. They have guests over and parties. I wish the guests would stay overnight more often. The picture you posted has a 3rd person in the corner. I watched this at the time and they seemed to invite the guy over to watch them have sex. He arrived, sat and watched them whilst he jerked off and then left. I hope that next time a 3rd guy might join in with them. I would like to see Alex & Tony stay on your site for a long time and hope that you may add more gay apartments as well.
  3. I agree. It's disgusting that Inna gets away with what she did and Jason the victim is the one who leaves.
  4. The old guy pointed at the camera at the window as soon as he walked in the room and the small guy covered it up with the curtain. The old guy either didn't see or wasn't bothered by the other 2 cams in the room.
  5. So Jason has gone away for a couple of days and and Inna is meeting up with another guy - is she cheating on Jason, so is she doing it with his blessing?
  6. The small guy back in action this afternoon.
  7. He seems to have gone quiet since he got ill that day - maybe he's still not feeling 100%. I still have hope that the other guy will return soon - perhaps he's gone back home for a few days for Christmas.
  8. There are 1000s and 1000s of gay websites on the net that make huge money for their owners. It's crazy to say that there isn't a big enough audience for gay apartments. VHTV went wrong because they bowed down to the small but vocal homophobic minority that complained about things like a picture of a gay scene on the twitter feed. VHTV didn't market the apartments properly. Also very few people interested in gay apartments would pay $40 per month for 2 apartments. In order to make it work they had to launch many more apartments or offer a gay only subscription of say $5 per month for 2 apartments. I wonder how many hetrosexual guys would subscribe to a voyeur site that had 32 gay apartments and 2 straight apartments at $40 per month?
  9. I'd post pictures if we were allowed to attach them like we can on the VHTV and VV boards.
  10. stanley


    I think the problem VV have is that they only have 5 apartments. If they had 10 apartments then I'm sure they would kick Sun out. But at the moment they probably are of the view that a bad apartment is better than losing one from the total.
  11. Kalita and Brett used to be on Camarads called then Rafa and Karl.
  12. stanley


    The cam moving by itself doesn't sound stupid, unfortunately it sounds like a lie. I have seen the cam move up a number of times and EVERY time it has been moved up by a person and not on it's own. If we give Sun the benefit of the doubt it could be that the guests assure Sun that they aren't moving the cams, so Sun thinks they are moving on their own - but this isn't the case. I agree 100% with broxman that if there was a child waiting to enter the apartment, why was Sun naked in a dressing gown? @VoyeurVillaNews - Can I ask that you look at the archive videos on your site for Sun's apartment and tell me how many videos there are of Sun and guests having sex in the last month? And then ask yourself are there no videos because Sun and friends have taken a vow of celebacy or because they turn the cams off when they have sex.?
  13. Latest update: 4th December 2018 - Piper, Hunter, Angelica, Claus, Melissa, Sergio, Bonnie, Clyde, Trixie, Leah, Elise, Jim, Gloria, Lars, Artemida, Dionysus, Nicole, Karl, Martin & Marilyn added Latest update: 15th December 2018 - Archie added Latest update: 16th December 2018 - Isla & Oliver added Total = 282 participants
  14. stanley


    @VoyeurVillaNews It's one thing guests moving or covering cams, but when one of your participants does it then surely you have to take action to stop him from doing it again. We have seen Sun move, cover and disconnect cams on numerous occasions now and it is angering your customers. Perhaps you could give us a statement saying what your site is going to do about it?
  15. stanley


    I was hoping that this apartment would operate like Tanya's, with Sun taking a back seat and let the friends take a staring role. However, the friends just seem to want a free place to stay and are not interested in being on cam.
  16. For me VV is number 1 at the moment. This is a perfect example of quality is better than quantity. Much prefer a site that has one awesome apartment than a site that has 30+ dull apartments.
  17. stanley


    I was looking forward to this apartment launching, but unfortunately it has been a big letdown. The camera placement is very poor - one livingroom cam is pointed at an area that no-one is ever seen. There is no camera that gives a close up view of the bed. The shower certain blocks the view of the shower making the bathroom cam completely useless. And do we really need 2 kitchen cams?
  18. Paxton & Madison are gone, and have been replaced by Bonnie & Clyde.
  19. Diana moved to a new apartment with her boyfriend Alan. Melany has left. (Maya & Victor moved into their old apartment). @StnCld316 can you re-name this to Diana & Alan?
  20. Latest update: 26th October 2018 - Ajax, Daisy, Heather, Peysli & Kletus added Total = 259 participants
  21. A new location but some things remain the same - the cams still are being covered.
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