Many thanks for opening another gay apartment. I have re-subscribed to you because of it. You are the only site that currently has a gay apartment - so you should be applauded for that.
However, the big negative is the cam placements. I agree with broxman - there are 3 livingroom cams and they are all pretty useless. At least a couple of them need bringing down from the ceiling and giving us a decent view of the couch.
Also the cams on the plan are wrong - 3 are missing completely and if you click on the bathroom it loads up the bedroom.
Finally, can you tell us which guy is Sam and which is Fin??
Thank you.
6 new participants added since 1st July - Amy, Jane, Darren, Roberta, Romeo & Gloria bringing total to 207.
Amy is now the most popular VHTV name, the latest Amy is the 3rd participant to have that name.
Lilly and Matteo are undergoing the famous "maintenance" and will be back online on Sunday - translated into English that means the guests that don't want to be on cam will be leaving on Sunday.
4 new participants added this week - Ruby, Evelina, Chris & Dana.
VHTV has been live for exactly 20 months today and has hit the double century - 201 to be exact. That's an average of 10 participants per month.
VHTV have a different definition of "couple" to me. It's been 8 days - which is 6 days longer than what most people consider a couple of days - and the apartment is still offline.
Noah & Mila added today to make 191. Getting close to 200, should be up to 193 this weekend when Anthony and Gia are added.
Noah is the second Noah to live in realm 4. Are they running out of names to give them?
Nathalie and Faron had a huge fight earlier today which turned physical in the livingroom. Unfortunately, Camarads ridiculous policy of not allowing images posted mean I can't post some illustrations.
I do get the impression that N & F aren't really in a relationship but rather business partners in their chaturbate work.
Lots of new participants in the last couple of weeks - 2 managed to leave before I'd even added them.
Last update: 29th May 2018, Olivia, Liam, Mike, Evie, Sofie, Becca, Ben, Sara, Axel & Coco added
Total = 187