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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Not a fan of Lola & Anna, but they are better than Amira & Monica,at least they spend their time in front of cameras, and Milla is actually nice. BTW I am sure you were the one who was crying everyday about Amira & Monica's long stay in B2 ๐Ÿ˜
  2. you are really obsessed with this skinny boy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  3. Yan's new girl looks a lot like his old girl ( Hope ), same body type, same boobs, and similar face. He has possibly ordered her from the same factory. ๐Ÿ˜œ He definitely has a type ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  4. he looks like Scott. could be his brother ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  5. Fortunately for her, she is staying in Barca, otherwise it would have cost her a fortune to take all these extra luggages with her ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  6. Of course, everyone has their own taste. That's why I put IMO at the beginning of my previous comment. Although, I do not find Hanna that attractive and do not watch her, I respect her & people who enjoy watching her, so I do not make derogatory comments about her day in day out . all these girls are unique in their own way and they are here for a rather short period of time, if they do not have enough views, RLC will send them home like they did with Ryia. TBH I do not like this apartment layout and cam views at all, the master bedroom isn't too bad, but the living room and second bedroom are horrible.
  7. IMO Hanna & Aaron are the least attractive couple that I have seen in B5 and I don't watch them at all. I like Tereza and watch her quite often and I am happy that she got the better bedroom with good natural daylight. what I like about T&T is that they seem to enjoy each other a lot, so their sex isn't boring.
  8. yet again you showed your ignorance with this comment. I am not going to discuss this issue here any further as it's not related to this topic.
  9. I wasn't an RLC subscriber when she was here the first time, but from what I was told she was a do nothing girl who spent most of her time outside during her first appearance. this time she is with a boy and they spend most of their time in front of cameras, she is nude most of the times ( when she is in their own room) and she has sex with her boyfriend not hiding from cameras. as you might agree she is already doing better than 90% of other Barca girls. of course I would have liked to see more sexual interactions between the couples too, but unfortunately 3 out 4 of them are not interested in that, either they are not attracted to each other sexually or they are just not into group activities. and TBH that rarely happens even in girls only places where by default you assume they might be more comfortable with that. I just don't think it's fair to blame Tereza for everything here.
  10. that's fine, but I don't think Tereza is controlling her, if anyone is trying to control Hanna, it's her partner, Aaron. My guess ( I am not sure ) is that you like to watch Hanna do something sexy with Tereza, and you are disappointed as she is not into her and that's not going to happen .
  11. Yes, I know what you meant by that comment, it's like when some people tell black people to go back to Africa, even though they might not be from there, but I did not want to use the R word for you as I don't know you and don't want to insult you. so the ignorant was the word that I chose to describe that comment of yours.
  12. obviously you are interested in this apartment or you wouldn't be commenting on this topic, and if we go by your logic everyone else who is not commenting on here finds this place very interesting . ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  13. Yes, and I stand by my word, if you think they are from Siberia and they should go back there, it shows your lack of basic knowledge about them and their country, so as I said you need to take some basic geography lesson. I think ignorant was a good description regarding that comment. I could not find a better word.
  14. obviously, you and Thestartraider do, you have posted 54 and he has posted over 40 comments on this topic.
  15. I did not insult you, I called your opinion stupid and ignorant and I gave you the reason as to why I think that. and TBH I believe what you do is called bullying, if you don't like a girl or what she does you give her a stupid nickname (Mother Tereza, Ice Queen, Amazon queen ) and keep repeating yourself. you might think that's funny, but it really is not. and the worst thing is that you are a moderator .
  16. yes, opinion varies but facts are facts, they are from Ukraine so it's stupid to say they should go back to Siberia as they did not come from there. even if they were from Russia, Russia isn't just Siberia. it's like telling everyone from north America to go back to Alaska. just shows how ignorant you are.
  17. you are wrong as always. and for your information they are not from Russia so they can't go back to Siberia. you need to take some elementary level geography lessons.
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