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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I don't think they have more than 10,000 subscribers. and 10,000 is a generous estimate. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. @mikey01 I am sorry that my comment made you very SAD ๐Ÿ˜ช . I know you love Harley, but I am only saying it as it is. unfortunately the truth hurts. you are man of few words and many emojis ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ‘
  3. clearly they are very interesting to you, that even though you can't afford and/or don't want to pay to see them, you are here everyday following their activities and commenting on every little thing they do. I believe you are the one who needs some serious professional help.
  4. unlike RLC that owns and manages its apartments, VH is only a platform and managers and/or tenants are responsible for what goes on inside the apartments, the rule is there to prevent them abusing the system, even an empty place attracts some views and therefore some income plus the money they receive for each cam on daily basis, so in some cases even an empty place can generate enough income to cover the cost of rent and some more. if there was no such a rule we would have end up with so many empty places, at least now when they go away for a long time they try to have someone there to avoid being placed offline and losing money. I agree that we miss some moments this way but it's better than alternative.
  5. no, it's just your imagination. no one is using anyone, they are just friends.
  6. if your connection is private, check your internet account privacy settings. you need to allow adult contents. if your connection is public then you need to use proxy in order to access vhtv.
  7. Vivian is in a playful mood tonight. it's just strange that Pam is resisting her advances.
  8. we ?? just speak for yourself. I definitely like to see Gina in B4 and everywhere else. she is fun.
  9. they are offline. did something happen ?๐Ÿค”
  10. Tesla & Elian need to meet Gina and have drunken party with her ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. she is the only one from the current cast who can get as crazy as these two when she is drunk ๐Ÿ˜‚
  11. we need more girls like Tesla & Elian, they are full of life, naughty and carefree. it's really fun to watch them, Imagine what would happen if we had Olya and Diane with them this summer, it'd be so wild ๐Ÿ˜ and I hope they don't read this forum and don't listen to the old idiots who just like to complain about everyone and everything. hopefully Vivian ๐Ÿ’™ can get passed what happen today and be cool well with Tesla & Elian ๐Ÿ˜Š
  12. I am starting to think you are in love with this guy DD ๐Ÿ˜
  13. I don't know where you get that 90% from ๐Ÿ˜„ if we are going to throw some random numbers around, I'd claim 99% agree with me ๐Ÿ˜„ TBF I am usually not the one who starts this, but if there is a discussion and I find it interesting, I participate and express my opinion too. isn't that what this forum is all about ?
  14. yes. " I don't post in the couple's apartment " so ----> " you should not be posting here" . logical conclusion. isn't it ??
  15. you don't need to write the exact words, anyone with half a brain would understand what you are trying to say with that post. and I didn't say "go and ask somewhere else", I only said there is no problem if you did go and ask for more women ( I am all for that lol ) in couple's apartment. no one has any right to tell you that you can not do that.
  16. does this help with refreshing your memory ? you said you don't go and post in the couples apartments , meaning that we shouldn't be posting here too. that's why I wrote that comment.
  17. Sorry mate, maybe you don't understand the meaning of your own posts. you have not made any argument for or against my or ed's post. all you said was that you do not like them, it annoys you, and that you wouldn't go on couples topic and ask for more women in their apartments ( meaning that we should not do it either ?!!) , so you are saying is that you hate it when people talk about men's presence in B4 because it's against your preference and you want them to stop that. was there anything else that I missed or misunderstood ?
  18. well, you said my comments "annoys you" and you were implying that you don't want to read people leaving comment on B4 topic about their preferences to see men visitor/participants in B4. so basically you are asking me and others to not talk about something that makes you feel uncomfortable. I don't see any other point (intelligent or not) in your comments.
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