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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. who are you to say if anyone should stay or leave the project ? if you don't like it maybe you are the one who should leave them alone.
  2. yes, they do. just don't watch them if that makes you upset.
  3. It's not just about you, there are a lot of people who like this place, and they are paying members too.
  4. This apartment is producing more interesting content than many other places on the project and yet some people are constantly complaining. FFS if you don't like what you see just fucking stop watching it instead of endless bitching and whining. some of us do actually like to watch them.
  5. Freddy is a shitty person to start an argument over some cigarettes. He should be thankful to Faye for being there. this place has been getting views because of Faye and her crew, otherwise no one is interested to watch his ugly ass. I hope Stiffler can get her an apartment, so she can leave this abusive person for good.
  6. I don't understand Spanish. but it looks like she is speaking it fluently.
  7. I think Zack is from Venezuela. she must have picked up his accent. 😃
  8. no, that's the beauty of it, you only pay a fixed amount of money, and you can eat as much as you can. 😃
  9. A beautiful guest girl. she appeared in few different apartments including Katrin's (Diana) in the past.
  10. I am not sure if Stifler is a good judge of character. She seemed ok when she visited Alisa/Katrin & Stifler's place in the past.
  11. I really like to take this guest girl to a " all you can eat " restaurant 😃
  12. Katrin needs to invite Monica back. it has been a very long time since we last saw her on the VH.
  13. you just need to wait and see his guests, then you might find Jakar very "pleasant" to watch 🤣
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