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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. That guy in black looks like Elon musk 😁
  2. they have no problem with nudity. and I don't think they are junkies so there is no reason to disconnect the cam on purpose. if they wanted to do something off camera that little study area in Yuna's room which in not covered by cams is a perfect place to do it.
  3. yeah, I don't see why they would disconnect it intentionally. BTW is the young man there Numi's brother ?
  4. Elon being here is a good thing. I have high hopes for this apartment. give it some time. 😉
  5. No, Radislava's current room has better camera setup than Sera's room .
  6. not my fault this time 😅. even I don't watch her anymore lol
  7. They need to go do some grocery shopping soon, the poor guest girl was trying to find something to eat earlier but their fridge was very empty.
  8. yeah, I have seen that. just need a bit more proof lol
  9. how do we know that you are actually the spider man ? 😁 ( I think your given name here was Parker ) .
  10. @x192023 She is not the same girl who was at Helena & Eva's place. I had taken these pictures of her at the time. she was prettier and her boobs were perfect. 😜 this was the hot blonde that you are talking about ( ignore Sofi lol ) ⬇️
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