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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. Because RLC took B1 offline, I do not think they will reopen it too soon again. Maybe they don't have the backup to restock the apartment shortly. In my opinion, a solution could be to send Ulyana and Harley to B1 and adding Fior or the other guest girls, who is in B10 at this moment. But what happens then with the newly opened B10? It might be easier to find a new couple or 2 veteran girls to restock B10, than to find 3 new girls for B1.
  2. Nelly is not naked: She wears a towel, a violin, and a smile. For RLC this is appropriately dressed. 😇
  3. Hoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱🙀 But only 2 of the 3 girls are annouced as "has left the project".
  4. If Nora is still a official or inofficial part of RLC is not exactly known, isn't it? Fact is, that Nora still has ties to Barcelona, and she can come over whenever it is necessary. I think it will be less of RLC reasons than because of her actual business. The reason why B1 might be more vunerable than the other Barcelona apartments might be it's location? I do not know, where B1 is actually located, and what's going on in this area, but this could be a hint. A couple of years ago, I was pretty surprised, someone here said, It was easy for him to spot the apartments, or particulary this apartment. For people who actually know, where one or more of the apartments are, there is no guarantee they will keep quiet. For any reasonable fan of RLC, it should be a matter of honor not to share such knowledge to protect the tenants, and the project. I was approached 1 or 2 times by people here to disclose classified pieces of information about ex-tenants, or I have been offered personal information about tenants. Of course, I rejected to accept.
  5. The 15+ was a new, bold move of RLC that probably saved their asses. In business you sometimes have to take (calculated) risks. From where they got the 15+? I do not know! For the future, it's clear they have to check more closely on newbies that don't have a recommendation of actual tenants or alumni.
  6. But somehow I got used to the state of Masha being with Dasha & Sasha plus the guest girls in Rome.
  7. 2 of the new girls have beautiful long hair. Sooooooooo goooooood! 😍💘
  8. I wonder, if RLC changed the guy in charge for recruiting new tenants. Now they managed to find a load of new tenants within such short time. I hope this will remain that quick, when vacancies come up. Especially on the focus hiring new faces.
  9. Is there actually a giant rubber dick standing in the kitchen of The Doghouse? (B7) 😱😹
  10. She's not at home now. Is she out to explore the city or even party?
  11. Once it was the same thing, when Nora & Kiko started in their first apartment with their real names listed.
  12. Now B 1 is the only apartment with 2 vacant beds. Let's hope they fill quickly, too.
  13. The question is, where is this apartment located?
  14. B2 is now complete again! 🙏 But still much work to do in B1 and the Cathouse (B4).
  15. RLC did this never before in its history: They never lost so many tenants before yesterday, and never added so many tenants before today including opening a new apartment! (location???). B4 is UM...and probably more new tenants or veterans to come. Stay tuned! 🤩
  16. I guess, Zhanna's name is only listed, because RLC cannot display an empty apartment with no names. As soon as the new one's name will be revealed, Z's name will disappear.
  17. Finally, the removed Karina from the listing. Offically, Lara is now there with the still unknown newbie.
  18. Ok, in the Cathouse (B4) they recently had an Indian girl speaking English. I'd prefer tenants, which I can understand when talking. That's why.
  19. Thanks for reminding. When will be the next change of couples? It might be not too far away regarding the habbits of changing couples in the past.
  20. Nelly once was beautiful & attractive, but over the years she made some bad decisions that sadly lead to her decay.
  21. Ok, then she has already collected it before lunchntime.
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