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Everything posted by moonlight89

  1. definetely missing couple o mens, the guest guy and gil are exclusive and we know what we can expect from Albert.Karim would be nice addition.
  2. i'm pretty confident this is the last night of Theressa.
  3. i think something happen between Alisa and Theressa not arguement but definetely not something good.3 "fights" on 3 nights i think thats a record in vh πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  4. can any one tell me the brief history of Ray? thanks in advance πŸ™‚
  5. i can guarante to you that nothing is agreed before, they only agree on thing like lets gather and it is obvious that the theme will be erotic, sex/blowjob/exchange/ and anything sexually is spontanious, and thats to all the apt that i have watched, only the apt that pay their guest agree on things. as to liking money,man they dont make a lot of money they make a bit more than basic salary in Russia,mostly the situation is they are unemployed and out of nothing with out any responsibility you can make some "allright" for russian standards money, they dont get rich πŸ˜„ 50% of us in this forum propably make more money with avarage jobs.
  6. i was thinking exactly like this, so there was a fight, allright she is bitch and is completely her fault for everything,than why the fuck are you still here all by your self? patheting unciviliazed with no maners cave mans. and no matter if he gonna fuck or no, firstly act like a man fucking redicilus clown.
  7. fuck she demolish him, i would not be able to preform for a month after all the shit he heard, Melanie " its not supost to be that you wait me to get naked by my self so you will lick me" you should undress me, man up.i'm jealus of that couple how they fuck, i'm jealus of every couple, i havent cum for so long. and stop whining about your stomach, i'm taking pregnacy pills i know about stomache pain, grow up.
  8. she is saying exactly what we are saying, "do something, take my pants offf slapp, do something,i'm tired you to not take inishiative, i want to be fucked hardly, i want to be like that girl (not sure who is that girl name things) lift me ,spin me, fuck me, you always waitng things to be done,and what happen with your dick?our sex has become awefull. maybe we should get pills for Thuesday? (aparently something interesting gonna happen Thuesday) anyway she trhough nice shit to him and our behalf. his excuse????? i had a stomach pain.and that he needs time, cause all this project its dificult for him
  9. he is listening shits from Melanie now, and she and we have every right to call him boring and ask to man up. i tell you what they talk .
  10. i dont exactly got to hear the reasson, but i tell what happens in my opinions, does any one remembers the last night of Faye? Aaron was constaly harasing her and was trying to get her low, while Faye always was going to sit in other corners of the living room and he was always going to her, at the end she was kicked.yes Faye was wild in same time goergeusly beatifull. exactly thats what happen here.Theresa is very beautifull and in same time very wild, she speaks very straight with no fear of who you are or your backround,as i notice the last moments before the arguement started the guy with the glasses was kind of harasing her childish shit to get her. and she was answering him straightly and the guy was keep going in her, so at some point the bold guy brake and start conforting her as how she speaks, and how slut she is bitch blah bah blah, Theresa told him, man look your age how do you speak like this, and the guy just got furious and everyone seems to take the side of the bold guy. unfortunately as long as Theresa stays single and Sergio bring guys home with the hope to fuck her and when the guys see the potential fuck with her beauty become cave mans.thats what i got. maybe @groomy can give more insight since i'm very bored listening everything πŸ™‚
  11. dickhead Albert take for once the inithiative first!!!
  12. nope, but they were talking how to increase the views,(sex all together that cant be so dificult πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ ) and Ray said we can come to visit you some times.
  13. funny thing : they play a game you need to desribe it and the other need to find the word. so Celina describes to Ray Celina : under our house live who? Ray : homeless people? celina:no Ray : robber, celina yes πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ man i love Russia πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  14. the guys looks like from a hood of russia. strange goup of people πŸ˜• it is very propable to have insidents tonight πŸ˜„
  15. this Albert is completely always like in a diferent page of the book or even in a completely diferent book. vh should put as a rule whenever wherever is gathering Jakar should be there πŸ˜„
  16. did any one saw if Sofia had coffee today? πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  17. yeah, i was thinking that something interesting is gonna happen, but didnt expect exactly that 😞 and on time that i find that the cleaner lady very nice and start paying attention to the apt. sucks.
  18. good news again for you, i heard that she is moving in.but its a bit more complicated, she said "well once i will move in we will be spliting the rent and food cost". so far so good, but where they will move in its the case? πŸ˜• cause Thomas was saying i will let them live and i will be watching them through cams, if they will do some shit i will come back and fuck them, he was speaking for two girls. so possible Thomas moving out or he goes for vacation but in that case why would he need to check through cams and return funny phone call to the kinda of redhead she answers " what do u want? yes i did throw the pills the coke and the weed, fuck you now,.she hangs up and after a min the same guy calls " hei yeah i will come tomorow to talk,yeah i love you,hei do you love me too? allright we meet tomorow" 🀯🀯 i'm telling you guys, sometimes is just crazy, they behave one way and after a min another way. it feels like they know that you are watching them at that spesific moment and you understan what they say and they decide to troll the shit out of you.
  19. yeah it was on the table somehow under stuffs.
  20. allright, i will try to give you a word by word translation since Theressa had biger balls than most of the guys would have infront of Ante. so the situation was like Ante was looking for his phone and he made a chaos and everyone was looking for his phone, there was some intensity betwen Ante and Theressa due to the wild character of hers any way when Ante open Biancas bag and bianca confort him that is not nice to open someone else personal items and than Theressa said, " he is convinced that the girls have hide his phone" Ante start screaming to her . A- where is my phone find my phone!!! T- firstly dont yell at me,second i have no idea where is your phone A- find my phone right now (he grab her on face) T- stop spiting at me,fuck you, how the hell i could know where is your phone,dont touch me. A-you are pissing me all evening, its an iphone 11 find it. T- you are also pisiing me,get away from me and stop spiting on me asshole, you have fucked my brains out, i dont give a damn about your iphone, dont touch me, get lost, disapear fucking cunt,go and search your iphone in all the corners but dont touch me. than Ante was agresive and said i dint got use girls talk to me like this people intervine,.Theressa said i also dint use to cunts point me with their finger and blah blah. unfortunately i could not find the exact words to translate in english since the language that Theressa used was more brutal so i could not find the corect replacement in english πŸ˜„
  21. twitter and support ticket is your friends use them πŸ™‚ who is the managers of D&I? Lina and Alex? they have a twiter acount let them know, a post can go long way.nothing to loose anyway . πŸ™‚
  22. loooool πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  23. firstly they left Theresa with the guys and Theressa told them to fuck off trying to fuck her, then the guys start making rude fun on her, than Ante has 3 phones and he lost one of them,now everyone is searching for his third phone. the mood has been destroyed and some people are annoyed.
  24. the guys allready start bulliyng Theressa πŸ˜„ she might be kicked out even tonight πŸ˜•
  25. Theressa is like older sister of Faye exactly same attitude (not in sexual meaning) they will tolerate her for some time just because she is beautiful and then they will kick her out.
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