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Everything posted by moonlight89

  1. yesterday i hear the other guest on the phone trying to convinse someone to come to the apt,(i think was a female) maybe he is still trying. i also heard Scott sweet talking this couple about the prject, but he was not honest he just throw bunch of paradise lies to them.
  2. i wish you the best on your journey of finding what really really happening in the crazy world of voyeurland. πŸ˜„ i also have a sugestion to you, a friendly one πŸ™‚ i dont know if its cause of translation issue or a language barrier or if its just your personality, but most of the times you sound very agressive like very straight forwoard,angry at everything.try to be more diplomatic,try to understan all the sides,many times we make a fast assumption and most of them are wrong,and we throw a lot of unfair negativity, if you start using your words more wiselly you will acomplish more people listening what you have to say and you will learn more things than you expected. all this i mean for the voyeur house, but could be handy in real world too πŸ˜„ . of course at the end of the line i believe you are a grown person and you know what you doing πŸ™‚
  3. simply mate there is 3 explanations about it. 1) they were experimenting and Beverly decide she didnt like it 2) they where mentaly force or agreement to do it, but i surely doubt it 3) Beverly didnt find the right canditate for it (witch i also doubt) one thing is for sure their realition with Sina&Jules is not the same. @HugoBeverley hello πŸ™‚ being honest and humble around here can give you a lot of support,something that not everyone using it for their advantage.dont let histeric and negative people effect you,listen only to reasonable things, and always do as you feel comfortable πŸ™‚ with that being said, i do have some questions and you can answer as you like and if you like πŸ™‚ 1) does have something happen with you and Ilka and Sam? seems you dont hang out anymore, i have no preblem with that since anyway i find them very boring, just qurious about the realition. 2) the brunete girl that was there with her boyfriend is she gonna be a part of the vh? is she a party girl? are they swingers? and something that i personaly dont like in your apartment is when you invite a couple and send them to fuck in the guest room while you checking on them in bedroom, it makes it look like "pimp" it looks very bad it give very wrong image and feeling (if you understan what i mean)πŸ™‚ other than that you doing fine,and i would say you do increase your popularity around here. thanks for talking to us.
  4. hei hei, they are not the same. 1) Marqus is not jealus type of guy, we have see it many times, Albert is the NO NO guy. but both of them are not energetic, still Valeria does what ever she feels to do, and we have see it many times in Ian apt, while Melanie always need to have a meeting with Albert about every single step, witch eventually leads to no. 2) right now there is 2 coules fucking next to each other in the couch here, yet i personaly watch Valerya playing cards in the kitchen, why? cause Valeria has the element of surprise, she can just grab the dick of the guest at any moment, like she did with Ian. whille in this apt we alll know what how where gonna happen, no surprise, same movie diferent time πŸ˜„
  5. guys VHTV fan here, i could not resist from speaking my mind. i'm very impress the loyalty of the people towoards Leora it is simply impresive, if you take into account that Leora has nothing amazing nor she does something extraordinary, on the contrary she is someone you would not notice in the street,i guess here comes the quote from Antoine de saint-exupΓ©ry " its the time you have spent with the rose that makes it unique among all the roses" still i want to give you all credits for the loyalty you have,its not eassy being there month after month when most of the times nothing interesting happens. i wonder how Leora didnt think ever to troll you πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ like with such a huge fan base analysing every single move she does and face expretion i would love to see her do some trolling πŸ˜„ like i dont know in the midle of the night she stands and stares on a wall in the darkness, or pretend sleep walking , or some random exorsim shit πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ and see the chaos and madness unveiling here πŸ˜„ but anyway thank you for the matterial that you all wright,even as a vhtv fan, i enjoy sometimes coming here and reading all the crazy theories πŸ™‚
  6. nope , nothing interesting, she said "thats it turn the music low" Scott asked to come down and she said i want to sleep. i pass throught the previous timeline and hear nothing interesting. i'm always doubtfull as to the guest Scott finds, they doesnt look "normal" thoose two looks like "gobnik/hooligans/troublemakers/homeless" if i remember corectly there was another one couple that was so weird like really something was very off from them, i have a feeling, he is finding thoose poeple from " loosers parks" that place that group of people hangs drinking taking drugs etc...its just a feeling.
  7. normaly i would not quote in this kind of post for this apt, but i'm bored so here it is. pretty and funny? i do not find them atractive and i have pass through this apt times to times and never saw anything funny, on the contrarry annoying i would say, but ok this is the point of view for each persons taste, so let it be as you say. open minded????? they are way to censor and closed minded, what was that you saw as open minded? that they go to bath with underwear? hahahha this apt is one of the most closed minded in the project. not all its fake???? hey guys lets have naked painting for views, hei guys come back home our views has fallen,lets go to make massage to increase our views (and that would be clothed),or do you think they invite all this random guys because it is in their daily life to do so? the only thing that is not fake is when they play on their phones. this with all the "nudes and fuck and sex all the time" needs to stop at some point, you need to realize that this site is for ADULT content, their twitter advertise sex, their marketing is based on sex, and generaly they sell sex FACT. take this factor out of the equation and there would be noone left here not even the radical whiners of "ehh you are ruining voyerism"there are plenty of free cameras in houses that you can see nothing interesting at all for just 4$ per month, but you are not sub there,you here!!!!! the guest that this apt has, is setup for views,like most of the apts that has guest,and its not about happy people, its about doing stupid shit to increase income. sexual active? i think i dont need to say nothing about this, if you are in your senses than you know what is sexual active, and they are not. apts like Elza-Nikki they have choosen their path of webcaming, they dont make a fuzz of trying to play in the "big leauge" thats why poeple let them be.this apt is trying to be the "come and see we have guest something amazing gonna happen that never does" have you see people complaining about Brock and lia? we know what they are and they dont try to pretend something else, and we let them be,(i persnaly like them and i never watch them i dont want them to leave cause in my opinion they play fairly,they dont advertise shit they dont make fuzz.they have my respect) poeple critisize apts that they try to pretend to be in the A leaugue while actually playing like in C league.
  8. unfortunatelly i'm not known to make the best "value for money" decisions in my life ,my heart belong to Lara,Celina and Isa.
  9. i think Jennifer is the best "value for money" for any guy. 1) she is sexy, she has this "energy" that drives attention towoards her. 2) she is calm, i see her some times trhough the day and the way she moves, with such a grace, like she has all the time in the world to do her things. 3)she knows how to dress, she is stylish,we see her with all her dresses, clean simple yet very spectacular. not to mention her lingeries, i think only Minie had such a quality of lingeries.generaly i think girls underestimated the power of good quality lingeries. 4) she knows how to fuck, and here needs no further comments. 5) she really knows how to cook,i think after Marry that i guess was working in a sushi restaurant Jennifer is the best, i think yesterday i saw her using a techinque called "sous vide" and is a techinque usually used by profesional chefs, generally she knows what she does in the kitchen. if someone would have to chose a girl from vh to spent the rest of his life with that should be Jennifer.
  10. fuck my life, i have stoped coming to this apt as a protest, and now i just pass for one second and got to the conversation where the girls were talking about exhanging partners, and at that same moment Albert "jumps" in and saying NO. nothing about exhanging, you dont get close to other guy 1 cm. bring back Celina please please please......😩
  11. @groomy you were right. even the alcoholics as Ragnar drinks "dobry" juice πŸ˜„
  12. i like this girl cause she is hilarious, and i would like she to join cause definetely will give great loughs, as to parties,i have the impresion that they are exclusives to each other, i hear nothing that would sugest any group activity,but one can always hope πŸ™‚
  13. the moment you realize before you suck it was in your ass the following conversation was one of the funiest i heard in vh hisory. girl: happy? now if i will die you will have it in your conscience. boy: not my fault the dick has his own brain. and anyway dont worry you didnt swallow anything and you wash your mouth imidiately, and there was nothing there,a bit of seemen and something else. girl: dont worry yeah? (sarcasm), i will die not now, in an hour,in two, maybe tomorow.maybe the day after but i will dπŸ˜„ie boy: loughing girl : look at him, loughing, happy? finaly congratulation!!! you acomplish it i will die cause of you. and you are just waiting it.its not funny, fuck it better would be if i go down by Corona virus,what they gonna wright in the death tomb? cause of death :cause she sucked a dick after being in an asshole. perfect!!! boy: hei in a matter of fact i'm clean. girl : me too,but my intestines (ass) i'snt.because thats an ass!!!! boy : generally the situation is just "ass" (shitty situation) girl : i feel sick, at least once i die in couple of hours i wont have to admit the reason of it. boy: this situation i need to record it.(he records around and going to her genetals area) girl: yeah right, are you recording the crime scene? πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ anyone who will have the opertunity you need to watch it cam 4 time 00:45 her facial expresions are hilarious.the whole situation was legendary.
  14. isnt this guy same the one who was coming with the super cute petit girl?
  15. i have a sugestion. since there is so many 500$ fines going on around, why dont you make a prize pool of the money earned from fines? like you fining an apt 500$ give it as a prize pool to the apt that will have the most views earned in the next week. you get from this 1) motivate apts to be more active 2) you shut mouths as to that you are trying to earn more money by fining everything.
  16. give them time,and they will be fucking in light, actually was suposed to happen right now** πŸ˜„ and the dirty talk mostly comes from her πŸ˜„
  17. but their sex is interesting, a lot of dirty talks.
  18. can pls we see their faces while VHTV is giving them the call? and than you are welcome to take it offline πŸ˜„
  19. first day.... jesus 😩 first day online,not a single $ earn and here comes the well deserved fine.didnt they checked cameras before? πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  20. sometimes a critisim can motivate people try new things,explore new areas,and eventually they might like it,witch will provide better experience to users also,many times apts get sweet canded with people like them and the revenue is constant so they get relaxed and stop preforming, do not forget that no one of the apts are here for tabboo they are here for revenue and income,is a job, so constractive critisim is essential.as about apts closure,is let me put it this way,when one apt is closing high chances is that will be replaced by new tenants, thus maybe better tenants maybe worst (as we have see lately) now if you got the opertunity to kick out Jack white and Candy Red with the possibility to be replaced with a random new apt would you do so? i would with out second thought,cause nothing cant be worse from that apt.so closing an apt that does not contribiute in anyway to viewers can result in new Isaac&Ella apt (very small chances but nothing to loose anyway) πŸ™‚
  21. i'm pretty sure you can imagine πŸ˜› and no its nothing sexual, πŸ˜„
  22. i just stumble across this photo from @groomy and actually was like a wake up call. did VHTV has fallen that much and we didnt even realize it? (or maybe was just me) it cant be that we should expect a good group action just from one apt (Meli and Sergio ) and that would be super manipulative,or if all the planet will have same "trajectory" and Mira and Henry will be able to find a nice couple.or if Jakar will be in good mood witch is once every couple of months will have a good party. no seriously please @Voyeur House TV explain me WHAT THE FUCK 1)Nikki and Poppy 2) Charly and Ariel 3) Daenerys 4)Elza 5)Bianca and Totto 6) Ruth and Mary 7)Helena and Serj 8)Nina and Kira 9) Viki and Kate 10) Candie Red and Jack White DOES IN THE SITE? WHAT IS THEIR CONTRIBUTION???????????? and i just named the apts that has zero action and let the ones that have minimal another 7. I heard all sort of theories for what is the subject behind VHTV decisions,(witch apts they decide to open/about the fines they decide to fine/how they are planing to make more money etc..) but i will not take part of that,but whatever the fuck you are thinking you doing @Voyeur House TV IS WRONG PATH.cause aparently you are trying to sell the soap opera that is going on the houses more than ACTION. please i dare you to name 1 interesting apt that has open in the previous months its literally 1 that of Ray.(had nice touch but still nowhere to compare to the image above) and before that Lilka and Jakar. i would love a statement about the situation from the VHTV just to clarify their subject.cause it start feeling that me/you completely overpaying for the servise we are being provided
  23. minced beef/salt /pepper the meat should have enough fat . should be 170 gr each burger (of course depence on the bread buns) and if you like some spice you can put, like mustard powder, cumin,olive oil, or whatever you like but only spices πŸ™‚ if you want a eassy dessert recipe shout out πŸ™‚
  24. caramelized onions fright egg cuccumber tomatoe jalapeno, chedar of course πŸ˜„ letuce or iceberg and you need dressing, most of tem are comlicated so stick with mustard ketchup πŸ™‚
  25. @groomy thank you so much for making an effort learning if she is allright. @Folivora thank you also so much for making actions about the situation, i really apprechiate it.i'm glad she is healthy,and i hope she get rid of that asshole.fucking pathetic dude beating a half size hobit,lets see his balls with a guy in his size.fucking asshole. anyway, THANKS BOTH OF YOU πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
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