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Everything posted by moonlight89

  1. dude he is way to agreesive 😨😨 by the way how do i upload photo? and does it take long time to be uploaded?
  2. super hot girl in Miras place!!! Henry super excited,attacking from first minute πŸ˜„
  3. well i dont know to whom that name is belong, could be the Beatle guy could be the boy of Sofi, but 100% the conditions were '"i'm not fucking anyone" and Ian answer was fucking not priority,and Debi saying but you are forced to play our games. 😩
  4. bad news guys, not 100% who is the guy, but i think is the punkie is moving in with the rest, the condition is he is not willing to interact in any sexual activity, maybe just kiss, the worse news is the answer of Ian " yeah mate come in, fucking is not priority, we make money by gathering and doing stupid things " 😩😫😀😞
  5. yes that makeup is ridiculus,today i was thinking man no matter what if some how you end up crossing them somewhere you wont have any second doubt if they are they, Sofi and Debi with clown makeup and Ian with unique haircut, no way you gonna miss them or confuse them πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ Marcus is a good fucker and does dirty things, but not a single time i got any indication of party,or threesome or foursome or a small flame to create interest other then him fucking Valerya, if they get their own house of course things might be diferent, but i doubt, most propably will be like Adam and Eva. i hope im wrong , but first thing we need to know if they are trying to get a vh apt.
  6. in my countrie the bars/clubs close at 03:00 and than everyone stays outside and try to find an after party, we usually throw our girl-friends to find the suitable people (always hot girl) and of course we have to accept every trash that is with them and than we party in the house,and many times we get lucky πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ i'm pretty sure is almost the same scenario here, just George does not search for girls.
  7. i have to agree with you, Valeria is a real star in my eyes also, Debi also is a star there is something in her she is "smart" and can be bossy witch i like but true that there is something missing that hot flame the slutiness. the thing is that i dont know if Valeria is taking a home in vh or just a house for her and Marcus, in the same time she is not suitable to live with Marcus, she is suitable to live with a girl.
  8. very true, but who hear us? πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
  9. 23:45 bedroom. Debi start handjob, and she need to say to Sofia "take your top off" like for the love of god,that girl doesnt do shit by herself, once Debi starts the handjob says something "like Ian do you want to play with her ass, or something simular about some sexual interaction between ian and Sofia, and Sofia replys "NO" but the way she said the no was in such a straight way that was not leaving any space for comunication, like a brutal no, at 23:48 you can see the look of annoyance in Debi towoards Sofia.
  10. i completely forgot about that guy, to me he is like ghost πŸ˜„ but propably you are right
  11. i have a question, did anyone felt yesterday when Valerya was showing straight attention to Ian that Ian chicken out and i dont think its because of the "candys", like when Valerya grab Ian penis he rush to move and close his legs, and in the bedroom when Valerya was looking to him like ready for attack, he start a speech that would kill even the most philosophical person alive, i remember in first days that there was kind of foursome in bath Ian got stressed and could not preform and i think this kind of insident has happen once again but i cant remember the situation, i have a theory that he is showing "interest and flirt" with other girls but when they return it to him, he is not capable to handle it or that he simply doesnt want to cheat Debi. i might be very wrong is just a theory πŸ˜„
  12. if they will get the show that they give yestarday they will get all the views, since tonight there is not even competion from any apt, if i were a tenant i would always look what is happening in the other apt and grab opetunitys like tonight to make spontaniues "party or something" to gather all the views, but thats me, i dont know how they think and if they need views.
  13. isnt left anything from the "good stuff" from yestarday? its very boring night,at least some entertainment, IAN VALERYA GO TAKE YOUR CANDY, double dose preferably πŸ˜„
  14. i couldnt hear clearly, but here is what i got, something about money from someone, and how a girl is bad/shit/gossiping/dirty etc. what i believe is that they borowed money from someone and they havent return it yet and the gril i whining them or threating or demanding the money bag and the guy is saying hw shity that girl is and her life. not 100% that this is the case.
  15. i'm trying to put my self in the position, obviously they like each other, but valeria is kind of open, like we have seen multiple times ian groping her breast, if i were the guy i would not like it, and i do think that the guy is not enjoying it, but he didnt said anything nor he showed any sighns that he is annoyed by that,from the other hand we see him being very distant,low talking,not energetic,so definetely things runing in his head.other than that i havent see any one doing or saying something inaproriate that will indicate anything.
  16. i dont know, i think there is always problem with them, but i dont know concrete reason, at some point i lost them, i could not find them in any cameras,so i think they had to talk in private, witch propably means that yeah there is a problem πŸ˜„
  17. really? no really? from big expectation to this???? i gave up 😩😩😩i think i ginx it (bad luck).
  18. ian talking alone : but i like 80" music more than 90", oh i allready said that? ok . man he makes a conversation by him self πŸ˜„
  19. does any one watching ian talking alone english in the kitchen πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  20. the asshole is crazy and have huge temper issues, and just lost his opertunity to fuck her, now the call ambulance πŸ˜•
  21. valeria : oh shit there is the bath tub Ian are you coming right? Ian says yeah, Valerya dont be late i'm waiting you πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ oh man i have big expectations πŸ˜„
  22. nice nice, hope her boyfriend wont ruin the things. now someone let throw a spoon of hornines spice, and we will have a great night!!
  23. yeah i think was good stuff πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ but now would be great if they would go the two couples for a bath , would be interesting scenario
  24. i felt so sorry for Valeria lol , she is looking at him like buscuit ready to do all the unspeacable things to him , and he is talking about his guitar and the music he want to write and that his music will stay through eternity and travel through universe cause universe will never stop existing, i think they might be stoned πŸ˜„
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