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Everything posted by life+90

  1. Melissa&Sergio,Dominessa&Daniel,Isa&Bart,Clarice&Sean,Leonie&Barney,Krista&Andrew,Anica&Joel,Bree&Drew I went back again. Maybe I was complaining sometimes, but they were much better than the current apartments. From time to time they had good parties and brought new people into the fun. The current apartments are very boring. They may not return, but I hope there will be tenants who can replace them.
  2. Not only mine but also VH's standards are slipping. Tenants in VH were better in 2019 and 2020. (Parties etc.) Apartments are usually boring now. VH should find better tenants than in 2019 and 2020. Otherwise there will be nothing to watch.
  3. This house needs guests.😈 They are progressing very monotonously. They need some revival.
  4. I think she didn't want to leave the project. She just didn't want Turbo. She wanted to hang out with the guest men when they came home. But Turbo was too shy and boring for that. Oxy last chose to go with another man and then came back alone. She comes to visit Turbo every now and then. The last time I watched them, Oxy didn't want to have sex with Turbo. I hope Oxy joins VH with a new guy.
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