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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. They'll clear that first bottle of wine before dinner's even ready
  2. I did notice that if Taco jumped any harder at her puss, he'd get his nose stuck in there! ... although, he could have just sensed all the roast beef between those legs! 🤣
  3. Liner = Doesn't want taco juice running down her leg 👍 Pad = No taco for Martina while Flo is in town 👎 Plug = Repeat of their first event (on camera) possible 🤔 Presuming of course anything would happen at the apartment. 🤞
  4. Ok, just got on and what in the ass is going on? Is this supposed to be some sort of Spanish holiday or something? Can't be Cinco de Mayo, because it's an American holiday for Mexicans and it's also March 1st. 🤔 Anyone know why they're partying and dressed like that?
  5. So, with all everyone (including myself) has said about Alberto and Martina, their relationship and everything that's been seen ans speculated outside the house (and relationship)... here's my position: Personally, I feel that Alberto has historically treated her very well, and as such, I'd feel bad for him if he lost her to anyone. Conversely, recent actions by Alberto, specifically the lack of attention due to the excessive gaming, is NOT doing what is needed to keep her, so it's starting to become his own fault in part. He really needs to pull his head out of his arse if he wants any chance to keep her. I know I would. As for Martina, given her age, and history with playing for "both teams", I've said before that repressing those feelings for so long would most likely be stressful and given the opportunity, it doesn't surprise me that she acted on it. I do believe that she has strong feelings for Alberto, but is torn by her feelings for Nelly. Maybe not specifically for Nelly even, but it does appear to me that her "interactions" with Nelly are far more than just sexual releases. She doesn't want to hurt Alberto, but apparently can't help herself. As such, unless there were direct proof that she was cheating with any other GUY, then I'd have trouble believing it, because I think it's specifically the taco she's after, not another sausage. Just my personal felling, but who knows. Regardless, for all those (and I was one too) who are all bent out of shape with the potential demise of their relationship or any deviation of their lifestyles over the past few months, I have come to accept that as much as I love watching them because they're so relatively "normal", the fact is they are paid actors in this. She's never been "innocent", as she's knowingly been paid to be broadcast naked and having sex to the world. Initially, I got upset that any of the dingos at B4 would see Martina naked during the parties, but then I realized... REALLY??? They, just like ANYONE, could see her naked and banging whenever they want online, so what difference does it make? None. Beyond that, they are their own people and they're going to do whatever the hell they want. Nothing we discuss or comment about is going to change a damn thing in their lives. Yeah, some of us (myself included) got too invested in watching them over the years and it does kinda suck that it's all gone off the rails a bit recently, but it is what it is. Personally, I feel she's a gorgeous woman, and I'd hate to see her devolve into a stupid, drunk, coked up whore, but if it happens, there's nothing we can do about it. The speculation and drama will always be intriguing, but none of it should be taken seriously. Going forward, I would say that although I am not a Nelly fan, I would not hate to see those two become a regular thing. I love watching their events and I can't imagine what they would do completely unencumbered, even if it would most likely become just shows eventually. It's still some of the hottest shite I've seen on here in years, IMHO. I just think Martina is a sexual goddess (so sue me), and there are definitely worse partners she could have chosen. Lastly, given all of the comments, debates and arguments over the past few months, if I've repeated what someone else has said or upset anyone... NOT my intention and my bad. Just my bit. Take it or leave it. Thanks for reading this book. Carry on. 😉👍
  6. Anyone have any idea what they're discussing on the couch in front of the TV? Seems a little intense, but I just started watching.
  7. It looks like Martina is home. Clearly kills the knee surgery theory. I figured it could be possible given all of the issues with her knee, but I would think that Alberto would have stayed with her at the hospital if that's where she was last night. Out with Nelly at an undisclosed location (as both were absent) seems probable, but I'm sure we'll never know unless Martina talks... and someone translates. 😉🤣
  8. I really hope she starts taking better care of herself. Looks to be complaining about her chest now too. WAY too young to have this much going on physically. Then again, I hyper-extended BOTH my knees when I was 10, so I'm familiar with knee pain. Would be a damn shame to waste such a beautiful woman to bad choices and/or carelessness.
  9. Yeah, ok... her left knee looks bad! Way more than a simple bruise. Scabs from what? Was there exploratory done or some sort of surgery for the afore mentioned condition?
  10. I agree, but I think you missed my point. I give zero fucks what they were watching on TV (and you could see it from cam 1). Point was, there's NOTHING that would be interesting enough on TV to distract me from sex with Martina. If she was ever even remotely in the mood, I'd be all over that!! Savvy? He was just laying there rubbing himself with her in his lap for WAY too long. What was the hold up, is all I was wondering? They did get to it, so there's that, but DAMN bro... I know I would be more motivated for sure!
  11. Can't for the life of me fathom what would be so damn interesting on TV that I'd rather sit and jerk my meat rather than bang the hell out of that delicious goddess!!
  12. Looks like Martina is DTF and Alberto's getting it ready. 😛
  13. As you are a new member, be aware that it is not up to the person posting the image or video to leave it up as long as they want. CC admins and RLC decide how long a pic or vid remains accessible, usually due to RLC's rules governing posting protected content. In most cases, media posted from the FREE cams have a much longer lifespan than the paid cams, which usually get removed very quickly. On occasion, very old recordings and images will be "ignored". This has gotten much more strict in the last 6 months, and while I agree it's annoying, it is what it is. You want to see everything on RLC... get a standard sub.
  14. 38 mins. door to door. Alberto is an efficient delivery boy.
  15. Martina was talking to him on the phone from B4, asking for more booze. He filled a shopping bag with bottles and left to take them to her.
  16. So, it looks like Alberto is going to provide them more alcohol. How helpful of him! 😜
  17. 🤣 Megan just introduced Martina to the modern potato peeler! She looked amazed that there was such a thing and they don't have to peel their carrots with a big knife anymore.
  18. I'd sure love to watch Martina do a strip tease. The way she moves, it would be mind blowing!
  19. Jägermeister and tea? Can't say I've ever considered that.
  20. Holy shit... Martina is so damn hot, I just can't stand it! The looks on her face when she's getting ravaged my Alberto are killer. Easily the hottest girl I've seen on RLC IMHO.
  21. Still haven't seen a clear reason for making up the guest room. I can't imagine any of the B4 girls sleeping in there, especially Nelly.
  22. They have a small TV in the bedroom (seen on cam 8). Too small for gaming I'd wager.
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