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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Quite frankly, this is ALL getting waaaaay to deep and serious. After all, it's just RLC, we don't KNOW any of them, and it's all entertainment. If my two cents are an issue, I withdraw. It's probably just me.
  2. Well, that's just it isn't it? It's neither my or anyone else's "burden" to prove anything. Proof will be revealed when and if it ever does. I wasn't necessarily challenging your statements, just citing an example of how it's all speculation, and as such, questionable. As entertaining as it is to fire off theories, I suppose I'm more of an empiricist. What I trust an believe is only what is fact. I have no intention to offend. My statements are purely speculation as well. More of a "devil's advocate" if anything, until proof is revealed.
  3. I attribute that specific event to her being completely drunk AND high on whatever they were snorting in Holly's bathroom. Makes a person do stupid shit. Not that it was right, but I don't believe she was in her right mind at the time.
  4. My point exactly. Although her actions with the big guy are quite odd, if there was anything nefarious, Alberto would have been on it, and I would think the fallout would have been obvious and witnessed on camera as well. So far, I don't recall anything of that sort happening. If she realized how bad it looked and decided to take it outside the apartment, who knows, but again... all speculation.
  5. It was certainly ODD. Definitely PLAUSIBLE that there was/is something going on, however, if she was trying to hide it from Alberto, doing anything suspicious with any other guy ON CAMERA seems completely counter-intuitive.
  6. Yeah, LOTS of speculation about that too. I only trust proof, so until we see/hear it, I can't believe/disbelieve it. We're all about theories, and it's the nature of what we're watching with no interaction. All we have is theories until we see or hear something concrete. Makes for interesting conversations though.
  7. I heard about that, however, I don't recall a time reference, so it could very well be an old occurence rather than current. If she did state that it was recent, please enlighten me.
  8. Curious... knowing very little Spanish... but has anyone ever heard either of them say anything along the lines of "ti amo" to each other? Just curious.
  9. Could be... could be. As for the "sleeping around" with anyone other than Nelly, do we have any PROOF, or is it just another theory? I've not seen or heard of any actual proof of infidelity aside from Nelly.
  10. Yeah, well like it was said earlier... let the conspiracy theories abound! Guess I'm an optimist.
  11. I dunno... seems back to normal. She's singing, laughing, dancing around. If there's still an unresolved issue, it must not be that bad.
  12. If she is indeed on her period... could just be crabby. Could clear up in a few days.
  13. Wow... that doesn't sound good... but doesn't jive with the affection he's been showing her.
  14. Well, he's been giving her kisses and she just kissed him back, so I think it's either not too serious if it's between them or it's outside of their relationship.
  15. Maybe the white jeans on her period idea didn't pan out and now she needs new white jeans? 🤔🤣
  16. What words were they? 🤔 If she did something wrong, Alberto seems ok with it (hugging a lot), but if HE did something, what could it be??
  17. White jeans on her period... BOLD move! 😜 Must be extremely confident in her method of "suppression".
  18. You think Nelly would stay in the guest room?? Didn't last time. Doubt she would any other time. If she's staying over, only one in the guest room is Alberto.
  19. Well, for me, if they leave, I'm done here. Holly and Kitty are hot but boring AF. Not worth a sub... maybe a check-in once in a while. No, I don't expect them to stay on here for a decade, and yes, I realize they're actual humans who SHOULD do what they want and have good lives, but honestly, Martina is the only real reason I still watch. Just my prefs.
  20. Their water heater my be damaged. Last shower I saw Martina take, she acted like the water was particularly cold... and her wrist hurt. They're back on incidentally.
  21. So, it appears to be this pair may be a complete waste on people in the US. She's apparently out all night and sleeping all day, and the Dan is always gaming? If it keeps up at this pace, that apartment will be worthless. Great that she bated already, but if the only time she's either conscious or home is in the middle of the night for viewers "across the pond", it'll be super boring. Not sayin... just sayin.
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