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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Nelly At Martina's for lunch... and dessert! Wearing the exact same outfit she wore last time. ๐Ÿคจ
  2. Still wish I was fluent in Spanish. It would be awesome to watch Martina and understand everything she's saying.
  3. I agree. As most men wouldn't expect any fallout from their GF/wife having sex with another woman, what guys usually forget is that women are EMOTIONAL and man are PHYSICAL. If a woman has the emotional connection AND is having the PHYSICAL sex like Martina and Nelly, that's usually bound to end in the woman changing teams entirely. In short, there IS a risk of loss. Case in point why I said Martina is so torn. She loves both and has good sex with both (better with Nelly pretty IMHO). The direction Alberto takes with RLC, his job, and his life in general will play a big part in her decisions. Of course, Nelly, possibly having to go back to Russia (so I've heard) and being married to Bogdan... that's a whole other mess. Even if she fully decided to leave Alberto for her, is Nelly prepared to uproot her life? Time will tell. WAY too many variables in play to predict anything.
  4. Hey, anyone know what Nelly apparently lost during the recent romp? She was looking for something in the clothes and bedding like something fell off during the excitement. Initially, I thought it may have been a ring. I don't think they wear wedding rings, so it may have been some other ring or something else. I'm sure if it was a wedding ring, she wouldn't have left without it and would probably have been pretty upset. Whatever it was, I got the impression it was never located.
  5. I agree. I really don't see any of them splitting up anyways. Both girls love their men and they also love each other. Seems to me both guys are perfectly happy having their women and also letting them have each other. Everyone keeps comparing the sex with the guys and sex between them. No comparison and never will be! It's a completely different experience. Why can't Alberto or Bogdan go at it like Martina and Nelly... because they're GUYS! Most guys can't do a 4 hour marathon to same their lives! The girls love the sex with their guys for what it is. They love the sex with each other for a whole different feeling. Also, all this about how Nelly and/or Martina being "hypocrites" because they have sex with each other, but supposedly won't let the guys screw other girls??? How it that a comparison either? For that to be accurate, the girls would have to disallow the guys from screwing other GUYS. The girls aren't (supposedly) banging other guys and then saying no other puss for their men. Again, a different situation, says I.
  6. Yeah, no shite. I'll never do the full sub for that, however, as long as these to keep at it, I'm making damn sure I can see all the cameras.
  7. Tell ya what... with all of those replays... if Alberto and/or Bogdan still haven't a clue what's going on between Nelly and Martina... they're blind, deaf and dumb as a rock.
  8. The replay section is saturated with clips of what just happened. ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. I think they prefer to have each other between their legs and hump!! ๐Ÿ˜œ
  10. I certainly would love to see her go to town with a toy just least once clear with nothing on. Too easy for that to turn into a show like all the others have, and that would ruin it.
  11. It's rare, but I've seen it. Usually it's under a blanket/sweats/etc... out of direct view. Only saw one time when it was close when she had a thong on in bed.
  12. She's torn. I believe she loves both Alberto and Nelly, and if she could have her way, they'd be in a "thruple" relationship and all live together.
  13. Ariana and definitely Holly are hotter than Nelly, but I can't see either of them putting even a fraction of the passion into it as Nelly. For me, that's what makes it so damn hot!
  14. Oh come on... you know you want more! The couches are right there! Encore!!
  15. Gotta say... it'll be a cold day in hell when I get sick of watching those two go at it! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
  16. ... but if she REALLY wants to make her feel better, there's another place to massage ๐Ÿ˜œ
  17. Just a knee/leg massage... or is it?!? ๐Ÿค” Nelly should use the Mr. Miagi technique that he used on Daniel-son, so Martina can perform the crane kick! Ok, that was stupid, but I digress.
  18. Smoke break... we'll see if the pants come back off when they come back in.
  19. Whoop... pants back on ๐Ÿ™ ... and jacket. Smoke break or is she leaving already?
  20. Martina is sexy AF in damn near anything... IMHO ๐Ÿ˜›
  21. On the plus side, if any action does occur, there aren't any places to hide in this apartment aside from the balcony, and I don't think they're THAT bold.
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