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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. Beware. That one time I brought the moral aspect into the discussion, the white knights came out swinging like madmen 😁
  2. Preach. I did the same. My sub ran out and I didn't renew for once. I have not regretted it for one second. RLC needs to drastically change their business approach in terms of content and support and unsubscribing is the best and only way for them to perhaps wake up and make a change eventually.
  3. I master the discipline and have no issue raising the bar up to a major cuntiness level if need be 😋
  4. Best of luck in trying to change the mind of a Leora cultist 😉
  5. I thought the sarcastic tone of my ridiculous reply to the equally ridiculous comment was as clear as water but I guess it wasn't. My bad 😉
  6. Yes. And Leora was also the first one to bring the concept of masturbating in front of cams into existence. And then all these ridiculous wannabes followed suit. It's so fucking infuriating! All Hail Queen Leora the First of Her Kind! Edit: Apparently I dropped this: /s
  7. I'd say this is accurate but they do have a fan base. And the term "star" is quite broad nowadays.
  8. Not sure about all of them but the majority of them at the very least did some softcore modelling. Irma in question has a bunch of pics that are easy to find. But I get what you're saying. RLC kinda turned them in a way into porn stars lol
  9. I'd wager her hard work being related to desperation. Out of all of them she's by far the most hardcore sex addict and judging by her history she'd be ready to move mountains in order to get laid lol.
  10. Well I'd say it falls perfectly in line since RLC now tends to follow the VHTV approach nowadays in terms of content, as it happens quite a lot that new apartments get shut down in a matter of days over there.
  11. Hard to make a call since I no longer have access but Bonnie & Rama have had aggressive quarrels almost since they've joined in. On one hand, Bonnie's behaviour is quite erratic and her actions/reactions can be very unstable and on the other, Rama isn't the most caring guy and often acts distant and shows lack of interest. Most people are often trigger happy when it comes to putting all the blame on the guy but in this instance I believe their behaviour can be somehow justified just by looking at how they are acting, so in my opinion both are to be blamed. Not saying I understand nor agree with how they proceed but I can see why Rama isn't giving attention to Bonnie losing her shit and I can see why Bonnie loses her shit because Rama doesn't care, if that makes any sense. If history is of any indication, they fought, they'll be distant towards each other for a day or two, they'll end up fucking and act as if nothing happened. And then rinse and repeat in a few days.
  12. Yeah how do the next door neighbours even dare asking for some respect from them by not blasting music and yelling out loud at 3 am?
  13. At this point, all of them except for the Couples' houses for me. Although I can see the appeal for some people. I originally subscribed because RLC provided something that other sites of the same genre didn't (at least at the same level), and that is to display authentic content that did not necessitate a script or any organized event. And ever since the russian purge occured, what has been removed in content has not been replaced and the business focus seemed to have shifted towards a more aggressive approach in sexual nature, therefore planning a lot of stuff around the GOV/COV places. I feel like it became sort of a bad reality tv series. For me the idea of a build-up that lead to the culmination of the tenants' stories is what made me a fan in the first place. I loved seeing the genuineness in many of these lives whether it could be considered as boring, exciting, sad or happy. My subscription ran out last week after a few years of being a member, and to be honest I don't miss RLC at all. I do however miss some of the interactions on CC.
  14. It's a cheap way of catching the viewers' eye so that she can remain in the featured cams. Diana does that as well.
  15. I mean, you're right. Who hasn't been in a masturbation party of 5 on a bed whilst being perfectly positioned for all three different cam angles to catch everything 😂
  16. I get your point, but even the absolute dumbassery of Malia and the dude acting like children is closer to real life than 5 girls throwing a show that belongs on Chaturbate.
  17. The way they've been acting, the absolute most that will happen is them playing doctor.
  18. For real I don't know what's more hilarious, the fanboys reaction or the weird-ass fuckery that's currently on-going in the apartment.
  19. If there's one thing that RLC is good at is rehashing stupid stuff so that would not be surprising at all.
  20. I get ya, I was in the same boat. I was racking up as many numbers as I could and acted like a pos like for example whenever a girl I approached was in couple already, I made it my goal to get her in bed with me which ended up fucking up a good bunch of relationship. Now I'm settled and am a good boy 😁 When I look at Curly and some other dudes on these sites, I know god damn well what they're doing based on my own experience. I don't judge them because I did some of the jerk moves they're doing but when I look back at my own life I know I could be quite the dickwad just like they can be 😄
  21. I'm on the other end. In my earlier days, I was in a similar situation as Curly in the sense that I was always in parties filled with booze and drugs left and right and I was confident enough to be able to run the show and I ended up with many adventures. I find that comes with a price eventually, because in retrospect I realized how much of an inconsiderate cunt I was and I ended up affecting a lot of people negatively because all I was thinking about was my dick. My now wife, who was in the same entourage back then, told me a bunch of stories over time (not with the intention of making me feel bad) that made me regret a lot of my actions towards people back then. I think we lust over the situations we didn't experience which don't always appear as great and they seem.
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