On the long term, a porn star couple is not the right choice for a voyeur site. I regard it as an interesting interlude.
Christy seems still to be open, with or w/o her BF. No official comment about her leaving.
Maybe the darkest day in the history of VV was the day of Lilu´s arrival. She had joined the villa with two existing couples. Then on Roma´s birthday the xcitement began and this excitement has driven the numbers of viewers up. Out of the confusion on viewers´side, VV learned how to grow the numbers.
And this is now where we are suffering from one day to the other or our voyeur dedication is looking for and forcing us...
For good understanding, Lilu was absolute exciting person and her fuck with Roma became history... in my eyes for sure.
I am assuming that VV wants to get rid of Christy. With the obvious move in of Akira into her room just is to make pressure on her. I am really not sure if the story of Natasha &Akira will go on....they do not even look to each other.
We have to wait for the rest of the night...
Christy had a longer phone call, almost desparately, half crying. After that, some tears were running down her face and she was really crying.
I guess her VV time has ended....
1. pls do not open a German side forum (only in case you are French :headache:
2. Christy´s role is rather close to Dizi´s in her last days. No guy, bad mood, just little show on demand. VV cannot accept that she is waiting 3 weeks for a guy who will come - or not. She got another 3 guys presented and she didn´t choose one. Now she is on transfer list....
Exactly which I have spoken, just been completely devastated and now she rips his clothes off and is the focus Christy halt Edit: However, it was more along the lines of "which require of me, They shall have" less from pleasure to pleasure ...:D
Her little strip was planned, just before she changed her wing pad to a mini pad. I really appreciate that she has recognized that the pad wings are looking terrible in combination with a string tanga.
For me, the move out of Christy to Tver is the final action of VV to eliminate the old villa style. Tver is Tver with their sex engineering and in Voro there is a porn star couple with an amateur porn starlet. No big difference.
However, the sex doesnt´t take really place in Voro.
The last sense of the old times are gone and VV has managed the transition and reached their goal.Finally.
Good bye Roma, Milka, Lilu, Karen, Tanya, Phil, Dizi... :idk: