New colour of this passion killers doesn´t help forward.... The low level reached at Voro is historical and the time of birdies has definitely gone. Tver is now porn production site to finance all the crap.
Forget it !
VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa 19 Min.
Tmr we have to say bye bye to Akira, Sender & Nikki. We r starting a new cycle of casting of interesting people.we will c where it brings us
Some new guys will give a chance to Christy...
Since many months iI am asking for an archive, but now this playback means for me a step backwards. Am afraid they will provide content for only 12 hours and then broadcast just again the next 12 hours..
First : Akira is also only a man and for about a week or longer without girl....
second: Nikky is master in spreading her legs, maybe Charlie was more narrow...
To overcome one injustice by another new one isvery common, in the history as well as nowadays.
But please keep an eye open for the next time, next poll....
This procedure is highly questionable, as all girls in "Irma, Ilona..." apt are guests on the end. They are staying between 1 and 3 months.
So why not to include longterm guests or to exclude all the preliminaries from the all-girls-apartment?
Because of they are just named by RLC? They are only named to be able to write there permanently NEW. You know this better than me.
Just a thought for fairness reasons...
contract discussions with Sender... what the hell, who will contract this girl or lady...for this job. Sorry.
But the end of the one-way-street is reached for me.
Do you understand this message? Is it not Akira??
I had twittered:
from @spielo1
10. Jan.
Akira new? Guest? Charlie is missing....
10. Jan.
@spielo1 plz look closer)))