Don´t be so definitive.... also RLC is on the road again: our friend Demid is back, Carla, on monday Suzan will be - or not... ;) ;) but the new couple at katka would have been really good for Voro...
Sometimes I have a drone in VV office :clap:
To have a new couple or 2 girls until sunday evening i could bet. If I am wrong I will not post anything for the following 3 days...
With Efim your probability might be right ;) but I have a very little indication... 8)
My expectation and hope would like to go into the direction of permanent tenants or successor couple...
BTW: the translation provided is very good. Not Google?
Nobody is really mentioning the guest couple? Nobody is speaking about their caressing and teasing before and after sleeping? Nobody watched this nice and pretty girl during the long bath? Or did I simply not find the right thread?
I cannot avoid the impression that this couple is on the way to become (successor) tenants... Really promising...
This was said many times in the past. but up to now it always went on...
On the other side, it was also said, "if you think it cannot become worse, it got even worser"
But normally, sunday is travel day......
did you see the last twitter:
I had replied: This would only help if tmr would be travel day - as many times .... and got a "like"
base for some hope?
Am I full of irony, if I ask following question:
If I remember correctly, Gavin has placed the words "Happy New Year" on the wall. Did he already know in advance about our happiness?
I think we have to distinguish:
You are absolutely right from the view of a free user. But those who have subscribed and paying in advance there is the right to demand for the content.
All the Russian holidays are over, Tver has taken 2 girls from Voro and Voro is completely empty.
The last, the nightwatcher, has switched off the light ...
Have asked RLC several times to bring cam3 kitchen a little bit down. Would be a perfect view while being on the round corner of the couch.... Somebody can communicate to Leora?
Here the outstanding highlight of yesterday night, the black hair girl after receiving a massage by the skinny girl:
How many days we still do have to survive with empty or 5 guest party in Voro? VV is not answering to my question since 2 days.....Have they lost their incurable optimism?
With this voting for Irma I can understand finally why the silicon industry is making such a big business. I don´t want to say that Irma is silicon based, but obviously there are a lot of guys ready to pay for the big tits.
Just a thought.
Tanya, nice to watch but her behaviour was sometimes not so easy to understand. She was fallen in love to Akira and fighted for him with all she had...
She had definitly problems and pain for several days. Algospasm in the middle of her body: stomach, intestine, abdomen.... She used to take suppsitories.
For Dizzy I do not know, for me it was too much pressure of two jobs: she was regularily out during the day from 8 AM and in the night VV up to 3 AM. Nobody can do for weeks.