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Misty Part #1

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Just now, mic351 said:

"Slut walk"  Such as the  Amber Rose Stroll and the word "slut" have two different meanings entirely.  Google the word  "slut".  And don't attempt to obfuscate the argument my friend.:dodgy:::)

Sorry dont understand what you mean. Wont obfuscate a thing. Basically all I wanna says I used the word slut with his positive meaning and I will continue using it this way. You know my first rule is never insult anybody (participants, people in forum) personally. 

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Poor Misty, trying to dance on the countertop as a pall settles over the apartment and her ratings go down, down..  Clearly the dreaded Ashley disease has started to infect the dwelling.  Kinda like black mold.  :biggrin::biggrin:

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Just now, jabbath1987 said:

Sorry dont understand what you mean. Wont obfuscate a thing. Basically all I wanna says I used the word slut with his positive meaning and I will continue using it this way. You know my first rule is never insult anybody (participants, people in forum) personally. 

Basically, what I am saying is the term "Slut" has been used for decades to refer to a woman as being one of low morals or unclean.  I and most women, if you care to ask them, consider it a derogatory term and do not appreciate being called such.  I would refer you over to a thread at RLC in which it was mentioned Nicole was not as free or "loose" if you will, as her last visit.  Some countered by stating she had probably been plastered all over the internet, insulted and called a slut so many times she felt she did not owe the subscribers a dam thing and further felt a need to restrain herself.  I myself have caught myself insulting participant in a forum at CC in which I publicly apologized.  In my case it was a guy but it was still uncalled for.  Can you imagine if the participants read the forums how they feel about some of the names they are called and the insults they endure?  Now I may bitch.  I may make fun of someone, like Ashley for her "purity" if you will.  But I try real hard to stay away from pejorative terminology  or name calling when talking about the participants.  I don't think any of them signed up for that.  I will not, however, extend that same courtesy to someone in these forums.  We're all here to bitch at one another at one time or another..   After all, that's what us "Keyboard Commandos" do.  :biggrin::biggrin:

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Moreover Jabbath, I believe I am having a civil debate with you in which ideas and different thoughts can be discussed in rational, civil way.  Even if you are a dumb ass for not agreeing with me:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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