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Misty Part #1

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I've been watching this apartment  since the goof was there tonight with Alex.  You know she got rid of the goof.  The guy in the blue shirt was hesitant but when the other guy immediately started to manhandle her on the bed she got scared.  You could see it in her eyes.  Now the new guy that just came and went, if he doesn't come back she dumped him quick.  To me it's plain Misty doesn't have to love you to have sex with you.  Conversely, it is just as plain she has to be half assed attracted to you and comfortable around you.  Last night with Dean was the exception.  She was not attracted to Dean but she was comfortable and she was at her bosses house. Now look at her apartment.  She has shut all outside doors.  She's trying to make herself secure in her place. I don't think she's being turned down.  I think she's turning them down... I also think she's playing a dangerous game letting all these strangers (if they are in fact strangers) know where she lives... Once again, my opinion and pure speculation. I've spent a lot of my life having to read people who haven't said a word to me and at times my life has depended on it.  So I think I'm pretty close to being right here. And with that, I'm going to bed.  Nite all...

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I though in that when the two guys arrived... she could be playing a dangerous game

In all the 4 guys of today she doesn't seems to know any of them.. and it's really a big security issue for her.. and she living alone doesn't help in anything

And it's what i said yesteday .. i guess she's trying too much to impress that she's getting involved in a complicated situation

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She is depending on the cams for protection. I personally don't believe all of these guys are strangers to her. I think she has a very thick black book of guys for booty calls when she needs to feel special, I mean cope.

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