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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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Image result for headache gif I think  I'm getting a headache from all the bull shit first france gets attack then England now Barcelona   oh I all most for got no offense to north korea  but your danm leader acts like a littie kid who just want to play with the big boys    sorry to go off topic

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20 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Apartment Complexes usually don't get into the practice of letting Tenants access the Rooftops.

Don't get caught up with people who love to come up with speculations and made up theories, nothing is based on facts just make believe and fairy tales,,, they just speak whatever thought comes to mind and pull all these false narratives out of thin Air,,, like you said most apartments don't allow their tenants on the roof in the first place.


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3 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Why would you want him mentoring her outside of the apt.? That would only mean she would be gone even more than she is.

Why would I???  Because I don't give a damn for the girl.  I think she is cheap as the day is long, I don't care for the way she acted when I was a member, she's fake as a 3 dollar bill.

She has a lot of people fooled on this forum, but that's easy to do when you keep trying to stay positive.

Have a great night :)

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

OK, if you know the building, I got 2 different sources translating, they say they wnt to the roof, but they went somewhere, wether it was the roof, staircase or outside balcony, it doesn't matter. They went out, and  returned being clearly affected by drugs.

First time they went out, when they came back in, they just sat there, laughyng at nothing. Then second trip out, when they came back in, they sat there, stiring into the air, then they were sleepy, started to dooze off.

 Could it be more obvious than this, without showing the actual drug?

I will agree and stand behind you on the drugs part......the roof thing is the first I've heard of it.   The girls are coke heads and that's a fact,  the roof part I'm not so sure.

Have a great night Ed :)

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

OK, if you know the building, I got 2 different sources translating, they say they wnt to the roof, but they went somewhere, wether it was the roof, staircase or outside balcony, it doesn't matter. They went out, and  returned being clearly affected by drugs.

First time they went out, when they came back in, they just sat there, laughyng at nothing. Then second trip out, when they came back in, they sat there, stiring into the air, then they were sleepy, started to dooze off.

 Could it be more obvious than this, without showing the actual drug?

Never mind I'm not really interested in the answer.

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