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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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15 hours ago, turkey said:

Its clearly to see when she was on her back , the last attempt of the guy to continue his efforts , I noticed it before , but then it was clear . 

Whit Nicole there was real passion , and she was ' horny as hell ' This time it was more : ' You can play , but don´t cross the line I say ! '

That's her right, isn't it? It's her body, she should always be in charge of doing what she's comfortable with at that moment.

Edited by CowArt
missed a word...
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10 minutes ago, Noldus said:

she is quick as Kristy...

This seems to be a RLC related issue. Maybe, the girls get paid by bate. So, even this ridiculously short fake bates (like 25sec from anna last time) are profitable for the girls. 

Even now that Sofie has shown some real involvement, i still hope for a change in cast and concept. 

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

This seems to be a RLC related issue. Maybe, the girls get paid by bate. So, even this ridiculously short fake bates (like 25sec from anna last time) are profitable for the girls.

Irma, Polya, Sofie, Leora,  Ilona, Nicole, Masha ,Zoya has long and open bate

So it is not due to RLC managment. At worse it could be related to the cam.

I think some girls  has the habit to bate fast because when had a lack of privacy when they "learned" to bate.By example sharing a bedroom with siblings . Look at Kitty. She has now more and more open bate in her flat but it is also very very quick because she does not want that Smith catch her in the act.


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13 minutes ago, Spock said:

Questo sembra essere un problema relativo alla RLC. Forse, le ragazze vengono pagate dalla battaglia. Così, anche questa ridicolosamente breve battaglia falsa (come 25 sec dall'ultima volta anna) sono redditizie per le ragazze. 

Anche ora che Sofie ha mostrato un vero impegno, spero ancora di cambiare cast e concetto. 


I do not think they are paid for what they do, but a percentage on subscriptions

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