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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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3 hours ago, euromike69 said:

That's what makes it so dangerous,,usually a storm just passes over and is done with in a 24hr period,,,but when it stalls out and stays where it is,,,it becomes another thing entirely,,, Because half of it is on land and the other half is over warm waters at sea,,, Hurricanes get their fuel and energy from rising hot moist air coming up from the ocean,,,so it literally can just sit there and rain nonstop and have high winds for days on end,,, it's almost like a car never needing to ever fill up on gas ever,,, it could just keep on driving for years.

I hope that nobody gets killed or seriously injured in the lone star state.

They have Big Problems now.  Buildings have Collapsed trapping people inside them. The Emergency Management Teams also have Buildings that have become unstable and they are unable to get out to help these people. I guess the Military will be called in to do their duties.  The Storm is just hitting Land now so things are only going to get worse for any Texans directly in the eye of the storm..  They expect this Hurricane to hang around for a couple of days before it heads out. Debris is flying everywhere so any First Responders will also be in danger through this ordeal they are going through. Texas is now under a State of Emergency.

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