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Kamila, Kristy & Kaley - Chat Comments & Quotes from August & September 2017.

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What is going on in Kami's mind ? Who knows that ? No, her obviously. She is in a show with the other girls this week where she plays a boy. She got to have short hair for that. She can wear a wig or have a special brushing to look like a boy. For the last 3 months she changed her mind, maybe twice a day, no haircut, a haircut, a wig, a brushing, no wig, a haircut, no brushing..

Today, after seeing her mother, who suffered from a brain surgery and has very bad and short hair,  she said that she doesn't want a wig anymore but want a haircut, when yesterday she said to her friends and to the show producers the opposite.

Kaley is mostly  the victim of these moods changing, trying to put some logic in Kami's mind and suffering from it.

Kami is lost, she doesn't get or doesn't want to get that she will lose of lot of her seduction with this short haircut she is planning now to do - she can't understand that she doesnt like the short hair wigs because it doesn't fit her big face and head. 

But the point is that she is mentally  lost and is trying to find a way out in a haircut. I am sorry for her but the problem is her, not her hair.

Kami, try to be a bit serious, not so self-centered... Be more mature ! And stay beautiful.

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