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Stacy, Xenia, Gary & Dora

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38 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Lets see if he leaves or not,VH communicate sayed..something like..Leo it's leaving the project..so most of us think that means no Leo in the house.But last time i checked the dude was sleeping in the livingroom...hope will not be an case like the big parties with the funny friends they would have in the house..

There are 2 backpacks in the living room, maybe  they're for Leo 

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  • StnCld316 changed the title to Stacy, Xenia, Gary & Dora

It's all so patetic to an level that makes the house manager and VH looks so bad,look at it..to me it's all Regard the cast and interview..and in this case..what an BAD job the manager did.Than they say..you only say negative things..who can blame me!?The house was anouced as...fun people..that like to recieve  friends and do fun parties..NOT AN SINGLE PARTIE OR FRIEND TO DATE..the closieste thing they did to an partie was one time they arrived at 2,3 of morning(as usualy)one of them turn on the phone light and chake it for some seconds..of course we should be negative..look how the only new cam added doesn't even have night cam mode..só by night doesn't show absoluty nothing..at least hope the Leo the ghost indeed leaved as sayed...

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