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Katie & Phil, Lena & Peter

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Ok, I know that I'm going to killed for this, but here it goes. Katie, I like you guys very much, but you can't come in here and dictate rules to us without consequence. Like a lot of people have pointed out,  we can't understand what you are saying because of the language barrier, and as such it leaves us in the position to speculate, spread rumors, be opinionated, or quite frankly poke fun even at your expense . Plus, you must know that we see your life differently then you see your own life. We can see when someone does something behind your back, for example. By setting rules, you are in effect telling everyone that no one can say anything even remotely negative or speculative about you guys. Seriously, that's the effect of this. From this point onward no one will dare say anything that may even remotely sound critical least they be called out on it for being mean. As I speak people are searching for the member who made the negative comment about Phil, perhaps to burn them at the stake for being so callous. No one wants to be shamed, so from now on, you'll only get lots and lots of well wishes and plenty of sugar coated hugs and kisses and hearts, but the result of this will be that those negative and critical comments will only get pushed into the shadows, into the underground, via PMs or just never see the light of day at all. We have effectively been neutered by your filter. The commentary here has been censored by you. We can no longer freely express ourselves.

The pink elephant in the CC room right now is this new phenomenon of tenants interacting with CC members. I myself am by the far the most guilty of this. In numerous ways I have inserted myself into the lives of the tenants. I have relished my appearances in the apartments among other things. We are treading into new waters everyday in this regard. Now, that it has become apparent that this connection can, and has, had distressing consequences for the tenants, I think it may be time for this to come to a head. Perhaps Nack is right, perhaps this interaction must cease entirely. Given that the tenants have free access to CC, that cat is out of the bag. So, what is the answer to this growing dilemma? Is there a viable balance? I ask you all...

Starting shit again aren't you? Lol

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

No, you don't. Not have that right anymore. That's exactly what Katie's post said to us. That if we say something critical about them, such as expressing the idea that Katie should find another guy, this is not permitted, least you be shamed for distressing a tenant. You will suffer the wrath of the other cc members who will remind you what a horrible person you are for hurting a tenant's feelings.

Personally, anything the tenants say to us isn't going to effect my comments. Obviously Katie has every right as much as we do to say whatever she's feeling, if that causes someone from being critical of her because of fear of backlash on here or being called a horrible person is their problem, because i don't believe that's what will happen. I said the comment someone made about Katie dumping Phil was rude. I never said anything about the poster or try to trash them, I seriously didn't go back to even see who it was, i remember it because i had read it earlier,  I commented on a comment, and i stand by it, it was rude, in my opinion, especially because i don't think she should dump him, and it has nothing to do with Katie seeing my comment on here. I'm a sucker for nice couples on here, and i like to see them happy, as much as i enjoy them having sex.  I don't like to see them crying or upset, like Lisa for example, because i can relate to that in a real sense.  I think your point about conversing with tenant's on here could definately be a problem, because it will cause some like you said to be less critical of them. To be honest i'm not sure what point i'm trying to make here so I'm out!

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You know me.  I am very discrete and keep most of my opinions to myself. :biggrin:  I believe I said it best when I responded to Katie.  Laugh it off.  Most of us have a language barrier problem and so we speculate and obfuscate. I think being a participant one should not be thin skinned.  You have invited us into your life by virtue of being a participant.  You have to take the gossip and comments that come with it; but take them for a grain of salt.  Most of us are going to say what we are going to say.  I certainly will not let a participant or a member of CC tell me what or what  I cannot speak on.  I'm paying for the privilege of comment on and viewing these participants.  .  Now no one has to like what I say and anyone, including participants, are free to comment on my posts.  Conversely, no one can or will restrict my posts.  

This site does a pretty good job of policing itself.  Someone's comments may get way out of line and the other members will generally take them to task. Participants should feel free to take part in the conversations here and I would like to see more of it.  If as members they don't like a comment, they should feel free to respond. However, the last time I checked Katie, Mira, Alan, Linda,  Misty,  none of them owned CC or even had a stake in it.  Since they cannot banned or revoke anyone's membership; I will treat them like i would any other CC Member.  Well anyone but Jabbath and Sparkles, I reserve a larger potion of sarcasm for those two..:biggrin::biggrin:

All that being said one must admire them for being a participant.  Opening up your life to thousands of viewers has to be a challenge.  I'm not sure I could do it and as such, I believe they should be treated with a certain amount of respect. But they must not and cannot be allowed to dictate the conversations and comments here at CC.  As members, it is our job to police ourselves and I think we do it rather well.  End of verbose diatribe..

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

I appreciate the comments. Like I said this is new ground we are treading into here. I go back and forth in my thinking about this. I'll have to ponder it some more.

Ahh..  "Once upon a midnight dreary.  As I pondered weak and weary"

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

No, you don't. Not have that right anymore. That's exactly what Katie's post said to us. That if we say something critical about them, such as expressing the idea that Katie should find another guy, this is not permitted, least you be shamed for distressing a tenant. You will suffer the wrath of the other cc members who will remind you what a horrible person you are for hurting a tenant's feelings.

Amy all i have to say about other CC members saying I'm a horrible person

"Stick & Stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me"

Then I'll tell them they can go fuck themselves with a barrel cactus :biggrin:

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3 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Ok, I know that I'm going to killed for this, but here it goes. Katie, I like you guys very much, but you can't come in here and dictate rules to us without consequence. Like a lot of people have pointed out,  we can't understand what you are saying because of the language barrier, and as such it leaves us in the position to speculate, spread rumors, be opinionated, or quite frankly poke fun even at your expense . Plus, you must know that we see your life differently then you see your own life. We can see when someone does something behind your back, for example. By setting rules, you are in effect telling everyone that no one can say anything even remotely negative or speculative about you guys. Seriously, that's the effect of this. From this point onward no one will dare say anything that may even remotely sound critical least they be called out on it for being mean. As I speak people are searching for the member who made the negative comment about Phil, perhaps to burn them at the stake for being so callous. No one wants to be shamed, so from now on, you'll only get lots and lots of well wishes and plenty of sugar coated hugs and kisses and hearts, but the result of this will be that those negative and critical comments will only get pushed into the shadows, into the underground, via PMs or just never see the light of day at all. We have effectively been neutered by your filter. The commentary here has been censored by you. We can no longer freely express ourselves.

The pink elephant in the CC room right now is this new phenomenon of tenants interacting with CC members. I myself am by the far the most guilty of this. In numerous ways I have inserted myself into the lives of the tenants. I have relished my appearances in the apartments among other things. We are treading into new waters everyday in this regard. Now, that it has become apparent that this connection can, and has, had distressing consequences for the tenants, I think it may be time for this to come to a head. Perhaps Nack is right, perhaps this interaction must cease entirely. Given that the tenants have free access to CC, that cat is out of the bag. So, what is the answer to this growing dilemma? Is there a viable balance? I ask you all...

I am sorry, I wanted nobody to offend and forbid to offer the ideas and opinion. you are right, I can not dictate the terms. you simply not пиавильно I was understood. The my English is terrible.

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50 minutes ago, mic351 said:

You know me.  I am very discrete and keep most of my opinions to myself. :biggrin:  I believe I said it best when I responded to Katie.  Laugh it off.  Most of us have a language barrier problem and so we speculate and obfuscate. I think being a participant one should not be thin skinned.  You have invited us into your life by virtue of being a participant.  You have to take the gossip and comments that come with it; but take them for a grain of salt.  Most of us are going to say what we are going to say.  I certainly will not let a participant or a member of CC tell me what or what  I cannot speak on.  I'm paying for the privilege of comment on and viewing these participants.  .  Now no one has to like what I say and anyone, including participants, are free to comment on my posts.  Conversely, no one can or will restrict my posts.  

This site does a pretty good job of policing itself.  Someone's comments may get way out of line and the other members will generally take them to task. Participants should feel free to take part in the conversations here and I would like to see more of it.  If as members they don't like a comment, they should feel free to respond. However, the last time I checked Katie, Mira, Alan, Linda,  Misty,  none of them owned CC or even had a stake in it.  Since they cannot banned or revoke anyone's membership; I will treat them like i would any other CC Member.  Well anyone but Jabbath and Sparkles, I reserve a larger potion of sarcasm for those two..:biggrin::biggrin:

All that being said one must admire them for being a participant.  Opening up your life to thousands of viewers has to be a challenge.  I'm not sure I could do it and as such, I believe they should be treated with a certain amount of respect. But they must not and cannot be allowed to dictate the conversations and comments here at CC.  As members, it is our job to police ourselves and I think we do it rather well.  End of verbose diatribe..

We are very glad and happy to see you in the life. you are part of our long family.:heart:

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4 minutes ago, Realm8kplp said:

I am sorry, I wanted nobody to offend and forbid to offer the ideas and opinion. you are right, I can not dictate the terms. you simply not пиавильно I was understood. The my English is terrible.

Its not terrrible. Wish my Russian was a good as your English :biggrin:

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