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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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1 hour ago, Spock said:

My point is that barcelona apartments are the issue. Here the girls make a show instead of have a real life. As they started with the roommate apartment they were used to this idea and created the restart like this. 

... but ...

Here the show was not quickly over again, since none of the two left the apartment (like the girls do in barcelona). So, it got obviously that it was nothing real. ... It took them some time (more than half a year) to adapt a bit better. Now, they are in between. Partly still giving a show (e.g. hidding of masturbation; may not even be real) and actually life in this apartments for real (with real friends and also with guys stay for the night). This is a big improvement over the barcelona apartments, even if their is still some way to go. 

K&K is a big tease, just alittle better than barca, but Heidi was great! A roommate apartment with girls like Heidi, or like Nicole on her first stay, that would be my dream. 

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2 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

i send how tutor to Irina and Sofie, for massage school, Rebecca and Megan!

they are overhyped... they only came into action after the beardo magic...if Sofie and Irina, got the same pills...then yesterday we would have seen a foursome...and both those guys would  return home happy...

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1 minute ago, ed2 said:

K&K is a big tease, just alittle better than barca, but Heidi was great! A roommate apartment with girls like Heidi, or like Nicole on her first stay, that would be my dream. 

... Kristy just had sex two or three times one day ago and for me even more importend actually lives in this apartment. It is way more real than everything guests have done in barcelona this days.  Sure, the last time that Kamila does something more than unter cover bate was quite a while back, but she had sex in this place that very often and also very open to see. 

I think, it depends a lot on Kaley now. If she start to have a sex life there (and i do not mean this silly water games she play that will never get her somewere) this apartment would work fine again. I guess, at some point even Kamilla will find someone new in her life, at least i hope this for her and for us as viewers. :)

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17 hours ago, Mikelima1970 said:

if Renata used high heels, she would be a perfect girl for my new apartment !!!!
with Rebecca, Rosmary, Megan and Jessica ..
Heelshouse RLC.
I have already written to RLC for advice.
location: Riga estonia

Though I know you are joking, you could be a bit more exact as concerns location: Riga is the capital of Latvia.

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

I can''t understand RLC installing another bed in a fairly small bedroom just to accomodate a guest who's only there for a few days!!...Unless another girl is coming in. But, IMO, she'll have to already know Sofie...:huh:

I wouldn't call it "installing". It's a cheap folding bed and a simple mattress, easy to stove away. For all we know, it was paid by for the girls themselves. Regardless who paid, the bed is a good thing to have around in any household for short-term guests and it's not like Irina will take with her on the flight back home. Perhaps they even borrowed it from someone they know in the city, I don't remember if it was delivered in a box or not.

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2 hours ago, ed2 said:

K&K is a big tease, just alittle better than barca, but Heidi was great! A roommate apartment with girls like Heidi, or like Nicole on her first stay, that would be my dream. 

Can you explain what is tease please ?

All These 3 girls and also Heidi before have had OPEN sex in the apartment

So because they like to cuddle each other it is tease ?

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I'm Italian and I understood almost everything about what they said the kids last night and I can guarantee you they did not know where they were, I think Vasilisa is registered to some dating site, type "Badoo", had already made this a girl in B1, a personal experience, known to a beautiful woman on Badoo, a nice evening and eventually asks me 300 euros to spend the night together, surely not what these girls do, no, definitely no

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28 minutes ago, Spoon said:

Yo no lo llamaría "instalar". Es una cama plegable barato y un colchón sencillo, fácil de estufa de distancia. Por lo que sabemos, que fue pagado por por las propias niñas. Sin importar que pagó, la cama es una buena cosa a tener alrededor en cualquier hogar para los clientes a corto plazo y no es que Irina se llevará con ella en el vuelo de regreso a casa. Tal vez incluso prestado de alguien que conocen en la ciudad, no me acuerdo si fue entregado en una caja o no.

Good afternoon. You talk about "we know", however, I've asked, nobody around me "knows" that the girls paid for that piece of furniture. Personally, I find it very strange that someone buys in this house, when up to nothing, even the juice squeezer, or water heaters, are paid for by the property. But it is only an opinion.
This furniture is new, since "yes" that came packaged, the box and the wrapping bag was for hours at the entrance door and could be observed without problems from the camera 6. They were the girls themselves, with a little difficulty, those that set the structure of the bed.
That it is clear, that I have nothing personal against this girl, the more girls, more possibilities to see show inside the house. But perhaps it is only my opinion, far from the truth.

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