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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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1 hour ago, mikeusa said:

kitek will translate for you if you ask him   he also translate over at Kirsty and kamila apartment too   and yury dose too  there both good guys  well time to go I will see you all round

Thanks, I've sent it to several now.

Yury has not been logged on in two and a half month.

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23 minutes ago, Calatilla76 said:

Whats the betting they come back with Beardy man and his friend again.

I wouldn't bet against it. Last year he was there a couple of times in a short time span, if memory serves me right.

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3 minutes ago, Spoon said:

I wouldn't bet against it. Last year he was there a couple of times in a short time span, if memory serves me right.

Yeah, but last year lola had girls with her who had basement level standards compared to the current two. If anything was ever going to happen with those guys this time round it would be between them and lola because Zlata and Irina wouldn't go near them unless they'd been roofied.

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