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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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7 hours ago, Mikelima1970 said:

even tonight here is a real disgust
it is a good time since rlc is unjustifiable
girls to change them all right away
I want Rebecca, Megan, Rosmary and Jessica

there is little sense among the girls inside the home, they live their lives more in the city with their friends as in real life but without cam ...

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il y a 4 minutes, moos54 a dit :

oui bon à savoir, Renata est pas seul dans cette grande ville ;-) 

unlike the world of RLC that looks small,.  :biggrin:.. but you're right, good news for Renata and us. Evening in perspective? Yana seems closer than my first look may be that Renata is Yana's friend...:confused:

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Wir haben den Hurrikan „Irma“ über das Land toben
Wann will der Hurrikan „Irina“ mal in der Wohnung "B2" anfangen zu toben ?

Mit einem Hurrikan verglichen, ist die Wohnung nur ein laues Lüftchen.

Ich hoffe, Google übersetzt einigermaßen sinngemäß

We hurricane "Irma" across the country

When is the hurricane "Irina" times in the apartment "B2" start to rage?

Compared to a hurricane, the apartment is just a breeze.

I hope Google will translate quite sensibly

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