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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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6 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

About what we've seen in B1, was afraid it would happen.... Don't think Renata will be as friendly as she was, unfortunately ... 

Well, put it this way, I don't think we'll see her fingers in Sher's pussy anymore...:dodgy:

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5 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

A few thoughts about last nights events in B2 guys...I won't clogged the thread up because I've expressed myself to one of two others away from here...

For me, it was 1 Lola staged event too far!!. She should have left 90 days ago when she realised she couldnt work her magic and pull the strings anymore with the current crop of girls..I found some of it sad and uncomfortable to watch. ..:sad:

Based on human behaviour, not nudity or sex I give :-

  • Lola 0/10...Her attempted manipulation of the girls and acting like the puppet master didn't work. The big gorilla wouldn't leave Zlata alone and she certainly didn't discourage him..Surely she could see she was uncomfortable with the guys behaviour, yet she still tried to tell Zlata what to wear for him and beardo...She was totally out of order. I don't really know what she was expecting to happen, or I don't want to think about it...
  • Irina 5/10..She's beautiful, and nobody knowns that more than her.!.She had more costume changes than Beyonce and loves to show it and just be around men , even a couple of apes like these 2,  but they were never gonna get anywhere near her, it was always a case of look but don't touch...
  • Zlata 9/19...She handled the evening brilliantly with thay gorilla breathing down her neck all night, even in her bedroom just before they left she had to usher him out. She took no shit from Lola and she only losses a mark because Lola eventually persuaded her to re-join the party when she went to her room and slammed the door earlier. Tbh I'll give her 10/10 because if she went to bed the noise was that loud she'd never get to sleep plus the thought of that gorilla just down the hall, and the chance of him bursting into her room was probaly in her mind...She has gone way up in my estimations after last night...:heart:

    I know some won't agree with me but, hey, we all have our opinions...Lola should leave asap IMO...

thanks, I think a very accurate chronicle, as I imagined I did not lose anything, as always RLC does not understand us, we ask new girls and they send us an old pig

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2 hours ago, ed2 said:

I've caught and saved the fighting, but does anyone know someone that can translate?

kitek will translate for you if you ask him   he also translate over at Kirsty and kamila apartment too   and yury dose too  there both good guys  well time to go I will see you all round

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

It's back online now Nold...It just says Lev...:dodgy:

Haven't you heard, the'll finally shut down b2, it will reopen as a boy apartment, with Lev, Alex and Beardo... when Maya's lover moves in, Stephan will join them too

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