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Violet & Jeff Part #1

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9 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

That is one hell of a bruise. When you get to the full-size of this pic, you can see it's a
circle with a line through it. Rather a strange shape for a bruise. Did you say she got it
having sex?

Yes, I'm pretty sure it's a sex injury.

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Strange what we face in the apartments and with the tenants these days,
1- Maria separated from Grisha after a quarrel and probably moved or leave forever..!!
2-A violet's for her 4 months, i did not witness her quarrel with Jeff, and now she was fighted with him,and Jeff leave apartment and still did not return..!!
3- Ana's also a quarrel yesterday and the expulsion of rock from the apartment, is not all of that a strange events?!!
We have not seen yet , any convincing explanations or a correct analysis, is it about the end winter effect or syndrome quarreles 
but  before, i assumed the winter weather to increased which rapprochement between couples to each other and looking for warm feelings ,or there someone do it deliberately make that  kind of actions on at increase the follow up, My mind say this (the second possibility) almost  be  true..
 still i like a sliver in (Treasure Island), i still have some hidden cards in right time i will putting it in on the table) ..

Margin:: i have open mind to acceptance open opinions,thank god we still live in a free world :cool:

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1 hour ago, ooopel said:

is she ?still stay alone? did not come back yet ? 

I think so. I couldn't find when he left. Poor guy is sick over this. I hope Violet find herself tomorrow cause Jeff is the one for her! ❤️

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9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I think so. I couldn't find when he left. Poor guy is sick over this. I hope Violet find herself tomorrow cause Jeff is the one for her! ❤️

like  as my said always that falcon(Jeff)  for these  little brid(Violet) ::)

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