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Clara & Stas - Part #1

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MHO.  Clara is wonderfully and beautifully made.  Her hair, short, allowing a romantic gentleman a field of play on every point of her neck and across her back from shoulder to shoulder.  Her eyes are the windows to her soul and her soul drives me crazy with desire.  Her breasts, perky, at attention, begging for play, touch, succulently inviting.  And her chest arms waist legs feet are pure.  They await the seducer, and wet his appetite for play, foreplay, four hours of play.  And, when she stands and turns she shows off her body, there are no distractions.  No piercings, no tattoos, just pure lovely skin.  MHO.  So, what flaws do I see?  NONE, except she lets one particular individual come to visit and allows him to touch her.  Again, MHO.  Stay pure Clara, stay pure.

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