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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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Just now, rosey 1 said:

Harley, That was 12 hrs. ago and I was speaking of Angelika..:confused: Referring to body shame.. As far as cheating goes, you have no Idea surrounding the circumstances concerning the guy she was working out with.. Just because she went to the gym doesn't mean she had sex with him. You don't even speak the language so how can you tell who's cheating and under what circumstances? The best thing you can do is just love all women and dispense with the judging until you have facts..

LOL I just go off of what I read and what I'm told.  There apparently was enough body language between the two, to paint a different story.

Have a great night Rosey, I'm sure you deserve it!!

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Morning everyone...Please Mr RLC...can you give Leona her own room!!...She was beautiful this morning with her naked exercise and pussy play in the LR...a great start to the day...Thank you lovely lady :heart:

Of course all the guys giving her stick and wanting her out won't mention the good stuff like this...:dodgy:

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Morgen allerseits .. .Please Herr RLC ... können Sie Leona ihr eigenes Zimmer geben !! ... Sie heute Morgen waren schön mit ihrer nackten Bewegung und Muschi spielt in der LR ... ein guter Start in den Tag ... Danke schöne Dame :heart:

Natürlich sind alle die Jungs ihren Stock zu geben und sie aus wollen nicht die guten Sachen wie diese erwähnen ...:dodgy:

Guten Morgen Naga....Ja, ich stimme zu

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11 hours ago, uppsala said:

Does anyone know what happened after this? Did they go upstairs and have lesbian sex or did they go to sleep or??? I have not been online for weeks so missed a lot.

They went to the upstairs bath and had a little Lesbian  session..................!  Nothing serious.

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