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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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I have a suggestion for RLC Management:  I can't understand why the two laziest girls have the right to share the big room.  Why giving them that room when all they do is sleep and do nothing else... My suggestion is this:  Let's make some changes in B1 and B2

1)   B1:  I would bring the twins in cams 5-6 ... Leona in cams 7-8 and Nita in cams 9-10 ( until these twoo leave the project ) 

2)  B2:  The big bedroom:  Regina and Renata ... Vicky stays where she is and Sher takes the cams 13-14 ...

Wha do you think of that ?  we could have nice views for the fun sessions in bathroom cams 9-10 

I rerally think it could revive these two appartments, and bring back joy in Renata's life, who doesn't seem happy now 

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