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Viki & Kate Part #1

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It is true that the apartment has gone from more to less and that the problem is Kate, Viki seems to have the clearest ideas about what they are doing. It's a shame because I think that with a partner who also had them Viki would give much more of himself. As they do not improve their relationship, Izzy does not enter more into play and the masseur daddy does not reduce his appearances, the future of this apartment I see it black.

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8 minutes ago, Pringle1 said:

Puede que me lo haya perdido, pero ¿ha dicho VH algo acerca de la forma en que este apartamento está en una espiral descendente ya que ahora ya no es una pareja?


You have not lost anything, but I think it's the new zoophilia section, two girls and two birds

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4 minutes ago, Pringle1 said:

I may have missed it, but have VH said anything about the way this apartment is spiraling downwards since it's now no longer a twosome ?


Who would Gess,after the nice start,that this apartments and residents would become soo boring,what a change..still trying to see any positive thing of the dad being there all the time now,he seems not have an girlfriend neither nothing,it's just stays there,give creepy massages on ass of daughter girlfriend and few more.

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