ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 10 minutes ago, sat11 said: they said they are a couple i accept that, but i am trying hard to see them as such from what i see, when they are in the house they dont talk much one sit one side on the sofa the other sit on the floor or on the other sofa watching tv or on the phone i see no affection or no laughter the only time i saw them play and talk was when they did a planed game with the other girl they are more like room mate. they dont seem to make love to each other when they have sex more doing a schedule show specially viki she just kiss and finger i dont remember or missed it but never seen her go down on kate or may be this is her first lesbian relationship i dont know, but this is my impression from what i see, i know relationships come in different kind some passionate some quite but like i said this is my impression that i found it hard to see viky been a real lesbian or been a long time. still i like watching them regardless, i dont care weather they are lesbian or couple or not. i just wish they spend at home or a wake in the evening. Maybe they are togheter recently,for exemple in the web cams recs vikki have a lots alone videos from as old as July and recently as november,the videos with the two together don't remember the dates,but maybe are from oct,November.Agree in a lot of things of said and feel the same,a lot of times someting kinda feels of.
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 7 minutes ago, Amy3 said: Here's the thing! Viki and Kate are lesbians. Yes, they are lesbians who cam. Yes, camming is calculating and contrived. BUT, this is their real life. This is an apt that hosts a lesbian couple who cam for some extra money. I watched them cam yesterday and I can tell you, they weren't hating any second of it. They looked like they actually enjoy it. So, if they get pleasure out of doing it who cares! To put it bluntly, if camming bothers anyone, simply pretend that they went to work and they are not home, don't watch them when they cam, resume watching them after they cam, and viola!, you'll get to see exactly what it is that you want to see. Never imagined the girls hated at all,per contrary they enjoy when they are togheter and that's more than obious just looking to them,but at least to me(an de from what i see more people)something's feels of were,no one says the house or them are bad,for exemple I like to watch them,but of course it's not because I like things in them,that I won't say the things I don't like....that's how i am and always seen you bee,saying what you like or not.
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 25 minutes ago, Amy3 said: Yes, and because camming is part of their real life, it doesn't take away from the view of it that we get to see. For a long time people complained that VH should forbid cam girls. It doesn't make sense to me why. If they are cam girls, then it's still their real life. It's like saying that everyone who works becomes a fake person at work. Sure, to some extent we are different (fake if you will) when we are at work, but it's still us. It's the real, "fake us", at work. It's just another side of our personality that's all. I have no problems with cam girls on VH. Nothing against one or two couples in VH that do cams for work,but at least for me part of the excitement of VH it's to see "ordinary" people that aren't in front of cams regulary and nude etc doing those things..but people are diferent and have diferent tastes,that's why some like casa hot and i Probrably watched just some minutes of it,it's just don't apeal me.but....I understand others find it interesting and complement it,same way i can say be critic with it.Life it's made with things we like and dislike and we shouldn't just thrown out and ignore the things we don't like..maybe sometimes we can,others we should and can express our opinon and view regard it.Again..always respecting the others views of things,even if are totaly oposite.
ooopel Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 even lesbians can do there work with fantasy scenes or art touch( like jessica with girls in RLC befor) i do not like this ( use shock) to our faces with direct show, that not worked with me, and thats not be anymore voyeurisme world , named anything but no more belong voyeurisme..also that only my opinion,agree or not feel be free, finally tell me guys when time come to me become nun or even a witch , i wants thats too much .. 1 1
mic351 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 6 minutes ago, ze81 said: Nothing against one or two couples in VH that do cams for work,but at least for me part of the excitement of VH it's to see "ordinary" people that aren't in front of cams regulary and nude etc doing those things..but people are diferent and have diferent tastes,that's why some like casa hot and i Probrably watched just some minutes of it,it's just don't apeal me.but....I understand others find it interesting and complement it,same way i can say be critic with it.Life it's made with things we like and dislike and we shouldn't just thrown out and ignore the things we don't like..maybe sometimes we can,others we should and can express our opinon and view regard it.Again..always respecting the others views of things,even if are totaly oposite. I'm kinda with Amy3 on this one. If that's what they do then it is part of their real life; especially if they were camming before they signed on. To me it would be like asking someone to quit their job to become a participant. I have a friend who cams and she does quite well. She even paid for her last term, with books because of camming. She hopes to graduate with little or no student debt. That's because here in the States our dumb ass politicians figure it is ok to make one graduate with 50-100k in debt. So I'm all for letting them do their thing. After all, everyone needs to make a dollar, yuan, rouble, euro, pound, peso, you get my drift.. 4
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 1 minute ago, Amy3 said: Well said! ... and yes, I know exactly whay you mean when you say "ordinary people". I like that too. There is no doubt that Kate and Viki are prefessionals at cam work. I guess it just is what it is, I just don't want people coming here complaining incessentently that they are a fake couple because they cam. Sure, they are not ordinary, but too request an ordinary lesbian couple to be on VH may very well just be a bridge too far. Honestly Amy didn't see almost anyone with doubts about them be an real couple,Probrably they are togheter at not very long maybe(or maybe for years,no way to know right),but the girls have feeling between them going on,about the complains..people have all the right to have them,some will like it others don't,but agree it's better to dose things a little,probtaby when another more "normal" lesbian house opens probably people will complain less and just watch that new place and less this one,or divide the time bitwwen both.In my opinon the two types of houses can "live" at the same time perfectly,to bad right now we only have this option,but that for sure neither Jeka or the girls have fault.
catalonia Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 1 hour ago, waldi said: Me gustaría mencionar que podemos ver a las chicas simplemente porque no tienen un trabajo regular. La oportunidad de ver lesbianas pareja (recta) que tienen trabajo y la vida normal de acuerdo a su deseo, es igual a cero en el momento. Nadie con plena cartera en el bolsillo de instalar cámaras en la casa para mostrar el sexo y la vida cotidiana de todo el mundo a menos que es un verdadero exhibicionista. Me temo que es sólo el dinero o más bien la falta de ellos, lo que hace que las chicas quieren unirse al proyecto y también hacer una leva y espectáculos - tener una buena diversión al mismo tiempo. I think z81 what she wants to say is that what she is not interested in are girls used to show artificial shows on the internet because they come to vht with vices acquired and used to show false and artificial situations. Some of us would like girls who although we understand that they do this out of economic necessity, are not professionals of the lesbian show. I do not know if I explain myself well and the nuance is understood. 1
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 12 minutes ago, mic351 said: I'm kinda with Amy3 on this one. If that's what they do then it is part of their real life; especially if they were camming before they signed on. To me it would be like asking someone to quit their job to become a participant. I have a friend who cams and she does quite well. She even paid for her last term, with books because of camming. She hopes to graduate with little or no student debt. That's because here in the States our dumb ass politicians figure it is ok to make one graduate with 50-100k in debt. So I'm all for letting them do their thing. After all, everyone needs to make a dollar, yuan, rouble, euro, pound, peso, you get my drift.. Fine with that mic,truly enjoy this interisting views exchanges,Just shows that we are all diferents,with some similar tastes aspects,oposite in others,but to me that's what makes us all interisting people(some more than others hehe). 2
catalonia Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 19 minutes ago, Amy3 said: ¡Bien dicho! ... y sí, sé exactamente whay quiere decir cuando se dice "la gente común". También me gusta eso. No hay duda de que Kate y Viki son prefessionals en el trabajo de la leva. Creo que simplemente es lo que es, sólo que no quiero que la gente que viene aquí quejan incessentently que son una pareja falsa porque la leva. Claro, que no son ordinarios, pero también solicitan una pareja de lesbianas ordinaria para estar en VH puede muy bien ser sólo un puente demasiado lejos. The girls are very good at pretending in such situations, if they have fun or not only do they know it, but if they have an orgasm when I press a key on my keyboard ... I doubt
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 5 minutes ago, catalonia said: I think z81 what she wants to say is that what she is not interested in are girls used to show artificial shows on the internet because they come to vht with vices acquired and used to show false and artificial situations. Some of us would like girls who although we understand that they do this out of economic necessity, are not professionals of the lesbian show. I do not know if I explain myself well and the nuance is understood. She?i am an dude hehe.I always watched cam girls of course,and had pleasure doing it also of course,but of course it was in other "condition",in this VH reality thing the thing that most excites me it's to watch "regular" next door girls,taking showers,getting nude,then having sex in cam for first time etc,when i know all this already happen is less exciting and a lot,but still can be fun to watch,well lets end this subject.Lets just try to enjoy what it is,for goodness and bad. 1
catalonia Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 3 minutes ago, ze81 said: Ella? Soy un tipo hehe.I siempre observaba chicas en cámara por supuesto, y había placer hacer también, por supuesto, pero por supuesto que estaba en otra "condición", en esta cosa de la realidad VH lo que más me emociona es ver "regulares" chicas al lado, tomar una ducha, se desnuda, y luego tener sexo en la leva para el primer tiempo, etc, cuando sé todo esto ya sucede es menos emocionante y mucho, pero todavía puede ser divertido de ver, también permite poner fin a este tema .Lets simplemente tratan de disfrutar de lo que es, para el bien y el mal. Forgive the translation error, my doubts refer to viki and kate not to you !!! 1
ze81 Posted December 16, 2017 Posted December 16, 2017 4 minutes ago, catalonia said: Forgive the translation error, my doubts refer to viki and kate not to you !!! No problem.. 1
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