Robwin Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 What happens next eh well don't really know Amy as you seem to have succeeded in making a martyr of yourself for no good reason. Which is a bloody shame as we all want you back in the forum's where you belong. So come on Hun get that large chip off your shoulder and come back to your normal habitat where you are really wanted eh 💕 3
SPYING 1 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 Amy DON'T let the haters chase you out of VH, we need sensible people on this site 2
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 12 hours ago, Amy3 said: Well, as most of you know I died on a hill in the VH forums fighting for something that I believed in. In the end I fed my haters all of ammunition that they will ever need to destroy me. I even sacrificed a dear friend of mine for really no reason except maybe to slice my own wrist in order to keep me from rebirth again. For that I am truly sorry even if it means nothing! So, Foamy once told me that this is the end of the run, the Old Dudes Board. I always thought of voyeur sites as places where porn addicts go to die, so I guess, this is where porn addict that became voyeur addicts go in the afterlife. Do I have that right @Foamy T. Squirrel? So, what happens next? TBG and I created Old Dudes where we could simply go when the other threads were dead or junior high school kids were posting crap in the forums. It's a place where people who are CC friends, or even CC enemies, can go when they are bored to share music, finer things in life, art, and culture, and learn more about people from other countries. The posts are far more polite there. It's not intended to compete with the apartment forums, but it is an alternative to the Rants and Flames or Worldwide Politics since Old Dudes entire purposes are precisely opposite. Simply said, we got tired of little kid brats bitching endlessly in the Apartment threads. Hopefully, that it explains Old Dudes. Now, get your ass back to VH when you're ready. You're missed over there. Plus, I've got my hands full as a part time RLC Mod with the damn riots that break out in the Barc apartments. No way I can keep up with VHTV. The damn thing is too big for little squirrel these days... 3
ashleyxyz Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 6 hours ago, Robwin said: What happens next eh well don't really know Amy as you seem to have succeeded in making a martyr of yourself for no good reason. Which is a bloody shame as we all want you back in the forum's where you belong. So come on Hun get that large chip off your shoulder and come back to your normal habitat where you are really wanted eh 💕 We all need to keep telling her this and it will finally sink into that hard head of hers! We are getting way more serious about stuff since i came on here a year ago, it was all fun and frivolity on here. I'm not saying there are instances where there are some serious issues re VH need to be resolved, but there are a few on here who take it beyond civil discourse to name calling and trying to shame people for an opinion. 3
jjkopite Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 2 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said: We all need to keep telling her this and it will finally sink into that hard head of hers! We are getting way more serious about stuff since i came on here a year ago, it was all fun and frivolity on here. I'm not saying there are instances where there are some serious issues re VH need to be resolved, but there are a few on here who take it beyond civil discourse to name calling and trying to shame people for an opinion. Yeah, Amy is the type of person we need on here to keep us all grounded instead of some people who think theirs is the only opinion that is right ! 2
ashleyxyz Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 12 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said: TBG and I created Old Dudes where we could simply go when the other threads were dead or junior high school kids were posting crap in the forums. It's a place where people who are CC friends, or even CC enemies, can go when they are bored to share music, finer things in life, art, and culture, and learn more about people from other countries. The posts are far more polite there. It's not intended to compete with the apartment forums, but it is an alternative to the Rants and Flames or Worldwide Politics since Old Dudes entire purposes are precisely opposite. Simply said, we got tired of little kid brats bitching endlessly in the Apartment threads. Hopefully, that it explains Old Dudes. Now, get your ass back to VH when you're ready. You're missed over there. Plus, I've got my hands full as a part time RLC Mod with the damn riots that break out in the Barc apartments. No way I can keep up with VHTV. The damn thing is too big for little squirrel these days... Yo Foamy, is a young to middle aged dudette like myself allowed in the OLD DUDES board. I'm a know it all but I don't know everything. I love when we have a family party listening to my Dad, and my uncles and Grandpop talking about the old days, I always learn something, even though i might not know it at the time, or have a new opinion maybe on things. And another question, the squirrels in my yard and eating everything out of my birdfeeders and ruining the by chewing holes in the plastic!! I'm always throwing stale bread and rolls, and nuts and cookies over the fence for them so they get something too! I have some sick ideas that will work, but i dodn't want to harm them at all. Any ideas!? 1
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 I think we Mods should establish a new global Rule #1: NEVER TAKE THIS PLACE TOO SERIOUSLY. WE'RE HERE TO HAVE FUN. It's fine to disagree on issues, but argumentum ad hominen pisses off little squirrel. Civil discourse and proper logical constructions addressing a person's opinions are desirable. Personal attacks are NOT. (dammit, few people will read that rule, either. 2 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said: . . . And another question, the squirrels in my yard and eating everything out of my birdfeeders and ruining the by chewing holes in the plastic!! I'm always throwing stale bread and rolls, and nuts and cookies over the fence for them so they get something too! I have some sick ideas that will work, but i dodn't want to harm them at all. Any ideas!? Just tell them that their Lord and Master Foamy will come and kick their asses. 3
SPYING 1 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 15 minutes ago, Amy3 said: Thx you guys! I really do appreciate it! I don’t know what to say. I’m heartbroken that’s for sure I worry way too much about things that don’t reallly matter. And I clearly not a very good friend. What I did to Nack is unforgivable and I don’t think I can recover from it. I wish that I could take it back but I can’t. It stains my soul forever. Regret is a horrible thing to live with. I just don’t see any way to recover from that. Plus. I do feel that I was right about the cams issue. I guess I wish VH has at least given me some wiggle room by at least acknowledging that there was some legitimacy to my arguments. I am libra incarnate and it is my nature to seek balance and fairness. I just wished that VH would have better explained why my arguments were not valid. I know that fun is at the heart of this. It has to be #1. I clearly have an unability to restrain myself whenever controversial issues arise. It actually scares me a bit to know this about myself. I can lose it and keep going until I hit the wall. It’s happened to me countless times here. I need to learn to control my impulses better and let things go. I’m going to work on this. Sorry, I’m rambling! Glad you're back Amy, i was going to email you !!! 2
ashleyxyz Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 55 minutes ago, Amy3 said: Thx you guys! I really do appreciate it! I don’t know what to say. I’m heartbroken that’s for sure I worry way too much about things that don’t reallly matter. And I clearly not a very good friend. What I did to Nack is unforgivable and I don’t think I can recover from it. I wish that I could take it back but I can’t. It stains my soul forever. Regret is a horrible thing to live with. I just don’t see any way to recover from that. Plus. I do feel that I was right about the cams issue. I guess I wish VH has at least given me some wiggle room by at least acknowledging that there was some legitimacy to my arguments. I am libra incarnate and it is my nature to seek balance and fairness. I just wished that VH would have better explained why my arguments were not valid. I know that fun is at the heart of this. It has to be #1. I clearly have an unability to restrain myself whenever controversial issues arise. It actually scares me a bit to know this about myself. I can lose it and keep going until I hit the wall. It’s happened to me countless times here. I need to learn to control my impulses better and let things go. I’m going to work on this. Sorry, I’m rambling! Hi Amy, first thing you should do is take the black avatar down and put the last one you had back up. It's depressing, like you been sucked into a black hole or something! 2
Robwin Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: Amy DON'T let the haters chase you out of VH, we need sensible people on this site I don't like the word haters as i can assure you, as i have said before, Amy hasn't got any haters all it has been is a difference of opinion which we are all entitled to. Now it has been put to bed so Amy, get that avatar changed to how it was before, and get your finger out and get your butt back here where you are wanted and respected. We all know you are an argumentative sod perhaps that is what we all like about you lol so come on hun lets all start afresh, you never know you may want another argument soon to cheer you up lets have the old Amy back now. xxxxx 2
ooopel Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 8 minutes ago, Amy3 said: That's the best I can do right now. hi dear,but that's not right an option also 2
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