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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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I would like to report my disappointment about Jasmine's behavior. even now he has interrupted a wonderful moment of intimacy between monica and sofie. we all hope that they will give us the best of them and once it happens we have problems. I think she is jealous and wants us to look at her.

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1 minute ago, Fairy said:

they read our comments, and those we did on Jasmin (I think).

yes girls read forum, and laugh think crazy these guys

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11 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

Sofie did lock the doors 


When did those get installed? The doors haven't been lockable before, I remember the orgy night when Megan and Rebecca tried to barricade the door. Good fix RLC. Now they need to put up a red light at the doors to signal that those in the room is busy, and it will be perfect.

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Just now, Frankster said:

Quando ha fatto quelli vengono installati? Le porte non sono stati bloccabile prima, mi ricordo la notte orgia quando Megan e Rebecca hanno cercato di barricare la porta. Buona correzione RLC. Ora hanno bisogno di mettere in su una luce rossa alle porte per segnalare che quelli in sala è occupato, e sarà perfetto.

wow!! very happy idea!! i am with you

now i send to rlc this idea

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