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Mary & George

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I confess; I have never had a high opinion of George and have wondered about the number of neurones floating around in his cranium. I am now more than ever convinced the there are not very many and his failure to understand that he is absolutely NOT wanted around these girls until they have at least he'd their first round, has simply not penetrated his awareness or understanding. DUHH!

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2 minutes ago, ze81 said:

I know they are trying but maybe Mel needs an little more time.

I am afraid I have to disagree this time. Mel was quick enough to jump aboard the strap on dildo when the girls were together. They need to tell the control freak, with his threatened  (and actual violence when drunk) to sling his hook and whilst Mel is there to back Mary up and to be a second string defence should he turn violent in his frustrations. He is immature emotionally and that is made worse by his lack of natural wit. Here endeth my rant.

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